WordPress And Artificial Intelligence Applications https://visualmodo.com/wordpress-and-artificial-intelligence-applications/ 💡👩‍🔬🤖🛰 #WordPress #Plugins #Artificial #Intelligence #AI #Usage

Do you want to use artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies on your WordPress site? There is a chance that you might already be using one. In this article, we will share some WordPress plugins that are using artificial intelligence and machine learning to offer smarter features for your website.

For now, we’re not thinking quite as big as humanoid robots. Instead, we’ll focus on how AI can be put to work on your WordPress site to perform small but important tasks.
Artificial Intelligence Usage For WordPress

WordPress and Artificial Intelligence Applications
SEO Boost

SEO is an essential part of creating content for the web. If you want your site to succeed, you’ll have to get it to rank with search engines so users can find it. While not all SEO has to do with your content, optimizing your text and images is important.

Optimizing your content can be time-consuming, as it requires attention to detail in several areas. However, there are a few ways to speed the process up with AI so you can focus on creating content instead of optimizing it.

If you run a blog or other text-heavy site, WordLift could help you improve your content’s SEO. It includes numerous features that perform SEO-related tasks, such as publishing meta descriptions, tagging content, organizing posts and pages, and more.

Additionally, WordLift points out related articles you might want to link to and Creative Commons (CC) images to enhance your posts. It will also suggest further reading to your visitors, based on their perceived interests.

Of course, images need to be optimized too, and there’s a plugin that could help you. Automatic Alternative Text will add ‘alt text’ to your images, making it easier for search engines to index them, which will improve the accessibility of your site.