Use WP-DB Manager To Implement WordPress Database Management 👩‍🏫💽🔌⚙️ #WordPress #Plugin #Database #Management

As the name suggests, WP-DB Manager plug-in is a featured WordPress database plugin, which makes the task easier for the user to access the database right from the WP dashboard. The best part of using this plugin is that the UI of it is designed for even the non-technical users to quickly understand the features and get things done right from there without getting overwhelmed about the technical steps involved.
This plug-in has various features which you may have to use once in a while for a wide range of purposes. You may simply install and activate the plug-in to start using it. You can find the download link at the WordPress plugin repository. Once it gets activated, you can next access the setting and do the customization to start using the plugin right from the WP dashboard.