How Much Should You Spend On AdWords 📝📡💳💵 #Google #AdWords #Money #Invest #Advertising #Tips

Google AdWords is a powerful advertising tool for small businesses. We work with clients all the time that have had great success generating leads and seeing a great ROI by using Google AdWords. Whenever we speak to potential clients or host a Google AdWords webinar, one of the most common questions we hear is: How much should you spend on AdWords?
Calculating Prices

When it comes to AdWords – and most other online marketing platforms – the rates aren’t set in stone. A click on one of your ads may cost you anything from a few cents to several dollars, depending on many factors. The main two factors are as follows: Competitiveness. The more people that want to display their ads against specific search terms, the more expensive those ads will become. Where you want to display your ads. Showing your ads in Google search results tends to be more expensive than through their Display Network, for example.