

The starbucks frappuccino, my brother bought at least 5-6 of those because they were really cheap! About 85cents, and they normally cost 2-3 dollars. And so, he gave me one! I drank it this morning with my breakfast and adfinjkadsnjkl it’s yummy, as much as I hate coffee and such, this one wasn’t so strong, so it was good! I’d get it again butomfg200calsinjustatinybottle???nothx

Mia&Nina like always! My sister just randomly told me, take a picture! And since I had my phone in my hand I did, and I didn’t realize it but they’re tails were together and I was just like, “AWWW” my babies ♥

Apart from that, I failed my accounting test (which I already knew I would..) did well on my geography test and now I’m working on my art project that is due for tomorrow. dyingdyingdying

And I also laughed and smiled a lot today even though it’s Monday and I really hate Mondays and I was basically stressing my ass off plus wanting to cry so much??? I am so fucking bipolar.

And Paola gave me a hug today!!! ifeltherboobies and adinKJASDFIOADSNJKadsf why are girls so cute? ;; And I spoke to Flor today throughout the whole bus ride and ASIKMASDLK she is so darn pretty and nice and ughhhh.  She told me she just studies in class and that she has a good promedio and she said she’s happy with that, and I was just like “;A;..I am so happy that you’re not stressing about anything and that you’re happy, and fine with that and omgosh.”

Yesterday my mom thought I weighed 105! I was just like, “ASDFJLKASD if I weighed that much I’d be skinny and have a jawline and hallelujah” but I used to weigh 108 and I wasn’t even close to having that so n0p3 plus I didn’t have any muscle so yah but I was skinny so YEAH but nau I’m gonna try to get my guns back w00t and then go back to 108 socloseargh

And yeah..

Still wondering if I should go on Friday or not, my friend told my other friend, “if you come you’ll have a great time with us! We’ll dance and have fun.” And I was just like in my head “I’m sure you guys will abandon me l0l” kinda why I don’t wanna go. Plus no money, wth will I eat lol


1 more week.

I hope nothing bad happens.

…even though I’m pretty sure a lot of stuff have.


No matter how, calling it fate is too sad
Calling it suddenly, by overlooking
Story that is a bit sweet is good, yes, slowly
Though if I am with the 'you' in my dream I can kiss you, why?”


ばいばい! (ω)