Well, yesterday was Kaori's birthday, and I'm happy she was happy ; u ; And I'm finally done her letter!! ヽ(  ̄д ̄;)ノ It took me a whole week just to do it ;; I'm going to give it to my brother tomorrow, and hopefully the letter arrives soon! I want her to see it already uhuu and then yesterday I started shaking because I was worried she wouldn't like it orz, damn nerves!

Here's the outside of the letter: I totally forgot to take a picture of the things that were inside but oh well~ ( ̄ω ̄;)


Also, a little drawing I did of me & Kaori in the letter~ ヽ(๑ÒωÓ๑) ノ


I GOT MY THIS IZ 0 DVD!!! (((o(≧▽≦)o)))


THE CD IS SO SHINY AND YOU CAN FEEL THE LETTERS AND OMG AQDEFHNJKASDFHIOKL I was just drooling at how cool and black it is ;_____; ♥

BABIES ♡・゚(●´∀`●)

Set list!

I find it really weird that they played the most played songs...I honestly thought they would've had their old songs and so on ;; I don't know why, but I really don't like this set list.. -hides forever- but at the same time, I can't judge it since I haven't listened to it yet! So either way, I'm looking foward to it♪ Since I watched the preview; I'm sure I won't be
disappointed. and become a crying mess when it's the end

I hope I can watch it soon with Kaori; I really wann watch it! But at the same time; fucking school is in the way. I hope 2 months pass and then I'm watching it on my second break in August orz ( I don't think I'll be able to believe that ) and come to think about it, school is going by really quickly.. I'm almost done, I only have like 2 months left of this second semester and then I'm in the third one ;o;

Also another thing; roses that me & my sister brought on thursday~ I wanted a pink rose ;;


I bought one for my mom, and the other one I got from a friend who likes me.. the way he gave it to me was kinda.. sweet.

That's it. I posted a lot of photos! I have a lot of stuff for next week and ugh~ I can feel the stress crawling back into my soul again...WHYYYY щ(ಥДಥщ)

ばいばい! (・ω・)ノシ