$Sweet Melodies♪

$Sweet Melodies♪

I haven't talked about him in a while now have I?

Well anywho,

When I saw this picture I didn't really think anything about it...Until when I started thinking about them actually dating / and talking in English to each other. And maybe being best friends..I also started kinda..daydreaming.

Afterwards, my heart flipped not twice, but 3 times. Then twice more. I was shocked. It did it by itself..I was wondering why too.

afterwards I was like, oh my god my heart flipped 5 times aioswndfjkrawieufhdnjk

well..that's a good thing isn't it ? hehe (つv//)

oh gosh..I feel really embarrassed now.. >///<

But..It means you must really love him right?

That, this isn't fake. It's true.

Makes me wonder sometimes..I haven't really been thinking about him to be honest with you. I'm not sure why. lolwhatamIsayingIdoknowwhy

I've been to busy thinking about not eating, losing weight, updating ameba, checking my mail, setting my queue for tumblr, etc etc. I've been so busy..

I've also been thinking about next year. How it's gonna be.

And fucking Fukanzen Beauty Fools Day ugh. I still can't figure out if I should get Type B or A. I would TOTALLY love to get both but my dad won't do that. The shipping would already come out to $31-36 depending on which one you get.

Also, I mainly wanted Type B for the VIP Pop Show (A.K.A NHK Hall) But..It said Trail Edition..W-wait, w-what? Trail edition..?Does that mean they won't show all of it?!!! D: Only half of it or maybe only 4 minutes?!! The fuck! Ugh. Also, it also said Fukanzen Beauty Fool Days Music Clip Band Ver. That made me even MORE confused. Someone said it was going to be the making of..oh god..I'm thinking of getting Type A instead since it has the documentary of Fukanzen Beauty Fool Days, but I mainly wanted Type B for the NHK Hall Live. ): They played Vi Vi Vi!! VI VI VI FOR FUCKS SAKE VI VI VI!!!! You don't know how much I love that song! ): It's my favourite song. But, it's a trail edition and aiya...I don't know what to do.. x__x

And..all that's been on my mind right now is returning to Canada. Will I really be able to go back in Summer? That's all I want. To be able to return. It's a wish with no hope. It's incredibly sad, but my hopes are so high. High, reaching the sky. Going beyond the sky. That's how much I want to go back. To be able to see my friends.

I even did something special.


I think I might do those 100 stars, and wish on that.


I just want to see their faces..Again. It's so lonely here, having no one to spazz about stuff.

The only thing that's really making me happy so far is watching SuG. And talking t o Jennifer. (if she replies anyways..) and talking to Jeanne. Nothing else is good. Not even food can make me happy. Food is a enemy. I can't just let go and go crazy towards it.

But, the truth is, waking up to watch the SuG UStream makes me really happy, it brightens my mood, because it's the only way I can really see them. And when they update too!! It makes me really happy. Especially Yuji. He rarely updates, so when he does, it brings a smile to my face.

Daydreaming, and wishing is all I can do for now.

So tomorrow, when I do that certain thing at 12PM. Let's hope it works okay?


Thank you.

ばいばい!!( ・ω ・)ノシ