I had a dream and my guy best friend & Shou were fighting over me lol

best dream ever

I mean

i like my guy best friend

and I like Shou too


omg at some point it was like omg..LOL it was all serious man they really wanted me or something omg I'M LOVED <3

oh and OMG SHOU WAS SO BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLLLL and I know this is mean and everything but I was gonna pick Shou over my best friend OMG YES I KNOW I'M SO MEAN LOL


oh and at some point he called me or something and I was talking to him right? and I was leaving the house or whatever (very fancy house i tell you very.) (i mean when I closed the door omg that was one pretty door LOL)


yeah when I was talking to him, I was like, "hello?" "........" "hello? anton? hello?"

and yeah after I couldn't hear him I went to staricase and sat down. I kept thinking he was probably thinking, "you take my breath away" lol i know.

oh and shou had some nice tuxedo onnn mhmmm i think my best friend had a white shirt with something on it. oh and shou had his boooootiful brown hair unf niji no yuki hairrr~ and a orangeish burnish scarf. he was rocking that clothing very well. LOL

also I feel like I'm maturing a bit in fashion sense


I'm not sick anymore, this dieting isn't going the way I like it either lol

I want a laxativeeeeeeeeee I want to throw uppppppppppp ialmostdid

I'm so stupid for thinking this way

also my mom got sick from me haha her fault for sticking to me all the time wellmostlymebut..lolshutup

oh and

I'm too lazy/busy to upload about last week and what not. ): Really, I'm sorry. I'm going to the doctors again tomorrow, and this week is gonna be hella busy since my dad is on vacation and is constantly saying we should go out and if we don't go with him he'll bitch. And I mean he will. The only reason why I went with him today was because I knew if I didn't he would get mad. -__-

Oh, and while waiting for my brother at his work, I asked my dad about returning to Canada.

let's just say..

I cried afterwards.


I didn't like his answer, and when my dad told him that we were talking about that my brother started talking that we all have to take exams and waht not and apparently we can all go back except for my dad and my dad said that was weird..

I mean I started to think living without my dad, and even though I dislike my dad and everything, I would be pretty lonely. ): to tell you the truth.

But I seriously wonder why..

I think we all have to take an exam? I'm not sure. My brother didn't want to talk about it afterwards.

Oh, and my dad said my brother was suppose to take an exam on like tuesday or thursday, but he hasn't. He sounded pissed too. My brother is suppose to leave first, and if everything goes right, we have to wait another year. (or is it the other way around?) yeah. brother-->papers-->return (maybe me and my sister then my parents..)

why is it so hard to get a fucking visa.

why do I have to wait.

I hate it here.

so much.

I just want to see my friends.

that's it.

leave me alone, let me go back.

stop giving the visas to those fucking people who just return to their god damn country.

Why couldn't you just-

I'm just pissed off.

That's all.

I don't think I'll miss it here. At all. It's a dirtplace here. I don't know why my Grandma never wants to leave. There's no water, it's too hot, everything is too expensive, you don't a good salary, it's dirty, the food here is horrible.

Yeah, I'm sorry I don't like where I was born. Back then it was better. Just like what my mom said. But now...It's ruined. Why couldn't the Americans just fight for this land?? Why did they just leave?!! Why couldn't they fight for it god damn it!!

I think I hate it here because I was raised..with a lot of money. I was spoiled, my dad had a good job and I was spoiled to death. I was living in a good life. Even when I went to Canada it was good. But now..I feel like we're barely even living in good life. With barely money to buy food and pay for school and what not..

Sorry for ranting.

My hand hurts now.

I just miss everything.


I miss it.

My friends.

So, hey, yeah you.

Do me a favor and let me go back to Canada next year okay?


That one place.


Then I can be happy.

For sure.