omg so I was like complaining that I was all sick and shit and have a bad fever / runny nose and I was all, "LET TAKERU SUFFER WITH ME OR SOMETHINGGGG UHHHUHHH"


chiyu updates

with a picture of that thermometer thingie saying like 39.7 (I think)


coincidence much

I don't think so

niqqa this always happens



woops sorry my nose is runny )':

/blows nose


actually yeah I was all, ".........................CHIYU YOU'RE SICK TOO?!!! 8'D" LOL well y'know not in a good way, but I was all, "omfg poor bb get better ;~;" but what I thought was, "YOU HAVE A FEVER TOO?!!!" but mine's kinda gone now lol it wasn't as bad as it was when we got back from the mall

it's just kinda my throat, and REALLY REALLY runny nose..omfg

I think my fever got worse since I stuck my head in the freezer yesterday. lol.. what was I thinking.

bleh I hope I feel better. x___x I don't like being sick. ):

my fever is gone tho I'M JUST SWEATING SO MUCH OMG after like my mom and brother came home I got up from my seat and oh my god....the seat was was disgusting. te back of my skirt was wet too. x___x ewww

also when we got back from the mall I COULDN'T STOP SNEEZING LIKE OH MY GOD I WENT CRAZY LOL also I keep having that one sneeze where I'm kinda gonna sneeze but the damn thing doesn't come out so then I kinda start tearing up lol ): oh god my nose is niagara falls today haha

but yeah I mainly made this post cause of Chiyu... I was actually thinking how how my fever was too, and I was thinking it was the same as hims but who knows.


I think he got it yesterday too I don't actually know how I got sick..I think it was because the day before OH MY GOD THAT'S RIGHT. I SAT BY THE WINDOW AT 2AM LISTENING TO SUG AND OH MY GOD IT WAS COLD THAT DAY TOO NO WONDERRRRR

well fuck lol

I can't tell that to my mom.. >___>;;

brb need a new handkerchief

yes a handkerchief since we don't have tissues and for fucks sake DON'T WASTE PAPER!! D<


hehehe I'm listening to39GalaxyZ

okay well yeah I really hope Chiyu gets better!!!! ): Same goes for me..OTL

Okay I'm gonna go send him a fanmail asking him if he's okay and also say I'm sick too HAHAHAHHA but tell him I'm getting better haha

I can't take pills /sob/ I need liquid medicine ... I tend to think I'm going to choke on it and one time I did when I was taking it...omfg. Back in May with my chest pain...I choked...SCARIEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE I thought I was going to die (my life flashed before my eyes HAHAHA)

omg now fast food hunters is playing


I love this song

but yeah..I can't swallow pills. I have to cut it . lol into smaller pieces in order to take it, I know that's bad and takes the medicine away but it's the only way..I'm slowly trying to swallow the whole thing. EVEN IF IT'S A SMALL ONE I CAN'T SWALLOW IT. OTL IT'S SO BAD. They don't even sell liquid medicine here!! (I am NOT kidding. They only sell for children and some for adults. None for like middle ages students / teens? ) OMG WAIT . DON'T WE HAVE BUCKLEY'S?!!! YES YES WE DO OMG I FORGOT MY UNCLE BROUGHT US SOME OH MY GOD I AM GOING TO DRINK THAT.

tomorrow since it's 12AM haha...if I remember. OTL

omg funky idiot is playing ;___; THE SAXOPHONE PART IN THE LIVE OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD my heart fuckign jumped when he played it dear lord I was all, "........................oh.....OH....OH....MY..OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD CHIYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD." I was in complete shock lol EVEN IF IT DID MEAN I HAD NO VIDEO SOB SOBB misora made me sob like crazy too )': it made my heart swell too ugh


I think that's it. LOL


Going to send Chiyu fanmail now~ I hope he feels better. ): My fever is gone so I'm okay. :3 Also, when I was sick today, my sister was all, "I'm really shocked you're okay though. Like, I mean you're sick and you're acting like you're fine.." And it was true. Even though I felt liek shit and everything I was all, "meh" about it. LOL tbh, I felt fine..Like, in the inside. I didn't really get my sickness get to me. haha but then after a while the fever got worse and I started to feel really sluggy/sick and then I didn't feel good after that lol..but then I took the tylenol and felt a bit better after that. Just that I was sweating a lot...ew..

but yeah, when you're sick you feel really bad but I was fine. I acted normally like I normally do. xD;; I was just sick I guess haha. So, I guess my sister noticed it as well. I thought I only noticed it. LOL

okay!! enough rambling blehh I talk to much... x___x


[don't worry chiyu we can suffer alone togetherrr~]

(omg cold hair coming in yesss come to me I am sweating like a pig)

ばいばい!!( ・ω ・)ノシ