Well, we went out to go buy my mother's day present for my mom..Dude, I like fell asleep FAST. I didn't wake up until 8:50AM my sister woke up and omg I was DEAD AWAKE. I was so shocked, I was so into my dream. lol (I think maa-tan was in it I barely remmeber anything..) But I remember wakeing up and the first thing that came into my head was, "oh. I'm sick." like, "this isn't reality, I was just dreaming." It didn't even feel like I was sleeping. I was so into my dream..I love it when it's like that.

At first we went into a store called Steven's and OMFG it was FULLLLLLLL as shit. And since the AC was on I felt great~ LOL I felt so out of place tho..OTL I looked too fashionable..lol.

Jeans that I saw that reminded me of Takeru's flower pants on the ROCK READ Vol.16

$Show your smile only towards me~

ami wants ლ(இДஇლ) but omfg $30 (something like that I think it was like 23.99 or 29.99) THERE WAS ONLY 1 SIZE 3 TOO OMFGGGGG I should've pestered my dad to get it for me asdfionklawsdfrgiuhjk but then if I were to buy it I don't know what I would wear it with ): I guess I could find something..oh and THERE WAS SO MUCH NICE CLOTHESSS X___X LIKE WTF, whenever me and my mom and sister go in there to check the clothes out there is never anything nice. ): but omfggg THE CLOTHES THERE IS TOO EXPENSIVE. A FREAKING BLOUSE IS $26 WTFFF I rather order my shit online lol

After we went to a store called Picara (Picara? Or was it Picada..idk) AND OH MY FUCKING GOD. LEOPARD PRINTS EVERYWHEREEEE EVERYWHEREEEEE I just kept thinking, "this is heaven for takeru mfg he would love it here and never leave and oh my god he would buy so much stuff but this is all for woman why would he buy woman clothing oh my god" SO MUCH. YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN IT.LOL a cute little jacket THAT WAS SO CUTE AND FLUFFY and I wanted to show my mom so I sneaked a photo lol

$Show your smile only towards me~

after I took a photo I heard someone say, "hello" behind me, and I like turned around but only saw a woman carrying her baby then afterwards the bitchy ass um what do you call them..store person..idk..started following us around and omfg I was getting REALLY annoyed because she was basically following ME. Then afterwards I decided to run the fuck out of there into another little place lol shit man what's with store..er..clerks..or whatever following you around. DUDE SHE DIDN'T EVEN SAY, "Can I help you?" well I think she did, to my dad, but y'know after they say that they don't follow you around the fucking store like a dog..omg..I was about to snap at her , I can't stand when people stare at me. (yeah she was staring too) idk if it was the way I dressed or what.. jeez. Give me some space will you? Fuck. (sorry for the mini rant haha)

Anywho, we went, searched and searched lol..then went to the FOR MEE store and found nice clothes there, fucking expensive shit tho. x___x mierda..

$Show your smile only towards me~

saw a really nice mini jacket that I liked ( ;∀;) asionjkasdfbuijknadsdpcnl reminded me of one I saw on tumblr ಥдಥ it was beautifulll I wanted it so badlyyy it was like 30% off too omfg SALEEEE it had like (studs? idk) on it and oh lordd beautifulll it would've totally matched with those flower jeans ;____; fuck me having no job or money sob

then we went to go eat at taco inn's~ we originally wanted wendy's but the line was so effing long omfg I wanted niko's but my dad said no ): damn niqqa

and I've never tried wendy's before either so I wanted to try it ;~; Well, my mom told me we tried it when we were in NY but I don't remember..lol I never tried it while I was in Canada either.. lived there for 7 years yet never tried Wendy's what even ikr LOL

waiting for the food~

$Show your smile only towards me~

I got water while my sister & dad got sprite & cola

then after we ate cold nacho's and small tacos we went to the parking lot (THE HEAT OH MY GOD I SWEAR MY FEVER GOT WORSE BY THAT DAMN HEAT) there was a racing car beside our car and I only took the picture of it's bum ): I didn't want my sister to see I was taking a picture with it since I was fiddling with my phone the whole day..

$Show your smile only towards me~

oh and apparently it got a scratch on it.. O__O um wtf I don't remember dropping you. I think it was my sister or something.. ugh I need a new phone anyways. I want the lollipop phone ; 3 ; I am so getting it once I get a job~ I'll just order it on Yesasia or make someone buy it for me in Toronto~ hehe

okay that was it~ the food was bad tho lol I wouldn't recommend eating there..meh. All the fast food places here suck. Except Burger King. Burger King is the boss.

I also never bothered to take a picture of my outfit.. ;___; I looked so cute in it aiofdnklafsduigbjkasd lol I was walking around the whole time and it never occurred to me to take a picture haha well I guess it was cause I felt pretty horrible..I mean I kept sniffling.. x__x

Okay, that's all~ I actually wanted to talk about my day today haha. I didn't get lazy and not upload the pictures. I'm going to take more pictures from now on too~

ばいばい!!( ・ω ・)ノシ