It'll be my birthday really soon...

In about, 10 days? I was talking to my friend about something with my other best friend and then she told me it was next week, and I was all, "pfff that's a lie!!" But when I actually went to go check my calender she was right..

I haven't really been paying attention to it I guess. I don't really care I guess.. It's just another day. I'm getting older and that's all. Nothing new.

As each day pass by I'm just like, "oh it's November something something" and I'll usually think, "isn't so and so;s birthday coming up?" Like, Mitsu's birthday is in about a day or so...Time flies. Then it'll be Jun's birthday on the 17th then mine a day after..

I'm not really ready to grow up I guess. I'm not happy. I want to be a kid forever I guess. But life isn't like that.

We all get old and die.

We only live once.

So I'm trying to live it to my best and do what I want in it before I die.

Even if it did mean I almost ended my life 3 times.

I hope I don't cry on my birthday like I did on my 13th.

I want it to be a happy day from beginning to end.

I want Takeru to tell me Happy Birthday.


I just want it to be a good day, from morning till midnight.

That's all I wish for.


It'll be 10 years once I turn 14.

I feel old.

I really do hope he tells me Happy birthday though.

I'd seriously cry if he does..

That's my birthday wish.

For Takeru to tell me Happy birthday. (Via Twitter I guess.)

I know that crying is a bit stupid, but it'll seriously make my day if he does. I'd be so happy that I'll be in tears.


my wish for 2012 is,

Going back to Canada.

That's all.


And maybe seeing my favourite bands live.

So, that's my birthday wish.

And 2012 year wish.

Takeru telling me Happy Birthday & going back to Canada for New Years, or for Summer.

That's all I want really..

Happy Birthday, & return to Canada.

That's all I guess.

I just want to return to the place that made me smile the most.

Even if it does mean I'll be back with people I hated.

I want to be surrounded by the people that made me smile while I was there.

Even if it does mean I'll be leaving my family behind, and maybe possibly never returning.

Can't I just go back?

That's my wish.

Going back to Calgary.

So I can smile and laugh with my friends again.

My friends that I love with all of my heart..

I just want to see them again.

Their smiling and glowing faces.

So that way my heart can be filled with warm feelings once again.