Went out to eat at Pizza Hut...While waiting for the food I asked my brother about DJ Okawari and he told me he knew her!! Dudde, that was awesome. He told me to check out DJ WhiteSmith and Tokyo Monster (?) Really tired & full since like I ordered a pizza then my dad left since he got a stomache so I ate some chicken lasagna..

It had a lot of cheese so I felt really sick afterwards...Really bloated too. Had a bit of salad as well. I didn't care I ate a lot. I was happy.

Afterwards we talked about weight loss, and metabolism and junk food..My brother basically forced me to eat..It feels weird being forced to eat..I've never been forced too I guess. He told me it was okay to eat junk food once in awhile..I on the other hand just..Get junk food away from me. He also explained that the reason I don't gain weight easily is because I have a high metabolism since I'm a teenager he said once you start growing older and such your metabolism gets slower..Is that why I'm losing weight? I don't think so...I mean I weighed myself today and I dropped again. 108. Not complaining though.

He said that if I ate something like the lasagna I would burn it off by doing nothing. Honestly, I don't believe him, but I'm not going to be tricked and eat junk food again like I did last time. I don't want to go back to 145. Scared as shit.

Sister also told me I should eat more..She's worried I guess. I don't know, I feel like I'm eating fine. I mean..Yeah.

Brother said he really liked DJ Okawari's music. Nujabes as well. I was really shocked!! I'm so happy he likes her. She's fucking awesome. He kept like bowing down. Like, he was like, "SHE IS GOD." Dude, fuck yes!! She makes some sick ass jazz+hip-hop music. Honestly, everyone should check her out. I like jazz I just don't listen to a lot. I listen to some hip hop music as well . (A lot..) Also, I almost hit the god damn table when I found out he knew DJ Okawari, I'm sorry but when I find out someone likes the same music as me or favourite artist I go berserk. ugh~

Also talked about Supersize vs Superskinny KIDS to my sister..Then talked about friends and candies..And yeah, really tired now. I'm just gonna finish watching SuG UStream from the 25th and write about it and then post it...Oh, and my brother thought I was lactose and tolerant..Hm, no I'm not. Mom doesn't care about my health. Meh. What can you do?

Other stuff happened too, mostly talking about weight and food. Food scares me..But I love it too.

And yeaaah.. Honestly I think I have a ED But I don't know since I need a doctor to tell me. I can't really y'know tell myself.

Also my sister she's really worried for me..I don't know why. I should probably stop telling her about me & food. She's telling me to start drinking juice and what not, and eat more..and just I don't know..I'm fine. I think.

I'm just kinda scared as to why I keep losing weight. I know I barely ate breakfast for a week, but that was only a week. I lost like 2 lbs because of that. I used to weigh 112. How did I drop to 108? I keep thinking it's water weight, but if it was then I would've back to 112. But, I'm happy I'm at 108. I'm just kinda scared that I'll keep losing and losing and losing..If I'm gonna keep losing I'm gonna get worried and tell my mom or something. I'm not gaining either. Just...losing. I'm not even doing anything, my brother tells me that it's probably just walking or something..But I barely do shit!! I'm just saying I can maintain my weight right now, I mean I'm happy I'm at 108 or something. I kinda wanna get down to 100 or something..I mean I don't even look that skinny either.

I wore a shirt today that was a bit big on me around the hips and when I tried it on today it was really loose around there.. around my bum area..I was thinking I really did lose weight, huh?

And, I'm also re-watching Supersize vs Superskinny. Not re-watching but finish watching it..I stopped watching it last time because it made me realize how bad my diet was. I barely ate..I'm really glad I'm over that now. I feel much healthier, but I'm slowly turning back to that pattern again. But, I'm fighting! Fighting!

Yeah, also..I keep thinking about a certain someone. If you know who I mean...I don't know, he's constantly on my mind now. I feel lonely, I really wanna see him. Just.. to see if he's real I guess. I know his real, but I just want to see himwith my own two eyes. I wanna be able to hug him too. I wanna see his smile. Sigh.

Also, the whole I like Chiyu now blah blah shit, I think it's just my mind tricking me. I don't honestly think I like him..I mean nothing happened to my heart when I saw him on the UStream. But why is it before something did? I don't get it. Just, don't follow your mind!! Follow your heart. So, I don't think I really like Chiyu, but I don't know..Maybe it's just me. I do know that I honestly love Takeru. I mean, why does my heart jump whenever I see him? Why do I get a weird feeling in my chest? Yeah. Hahaha.

Well, that's all for today.. I hope my Toy Soldier & Magazine come soon. I'm so excited~ I also want my weight to stop dropping..Like I want it to stop y'know? Like maybe stop at 100 or something. I'm getting kinda scared..

I also wanna be able to see SuG at NHK Hall on November 13, but I doubt it. But, I'm not bringing my hopes down. I still have them pretty high. Haha~

I'm sleepy and will be taking a school entrance exam tomorrow..Hopefully I pass or something. I don't know, I kinda don't wanna go to schoolm but meh. Well, goodnight. It's 11PM And I have to be at the school at 8AM. Why so early? It's Saturday..god forbid. Anyways, goodnight.

ばいばい!!( ・ω ・)ノシ