Takeru was in my dream.

I really like it when he's in my dreams..It makes me happy. Honest.


Anyways, I shall now get into de story. I mean dream what.

Okay, so I'll only say the stuff I remember...

When my dream first started it showed his face and him wearing the black hat (Uwaaa ( ´艸`)) And he was looking to the right.

Takeru was wearing the same thing he wore on the UStream of September 21st.

The black hat, with the shorts and everythingggg.

And he was sitting down, looking around everywhere I guess? Then I think he wanted some kinda frappuccino or something LOL Honestly, I don't remember. It was like 40 bucks I think.

I honestly didn't think he was going to buy it LOL but he handed the money over to some dude that went in front of him. The man then handed him his change which was 2 5 dollar bills. And he then checked the bills. It also said 5 really big on it, it was green too. HAHAHAHA

Oh, and he was like wearing his GiMME GiMME Jacket now. LOL His hair was like this :


Anyways, anyways, yeah I think that was it. Afterwards, He went to the bathroom (idk someone was chasing me or something) so I was like sitting in front of this huge long white table with huge windows in front of me (or more like beside me lol to the left to the left)

left windows

but they were HUGE man..I then get up after Takeru goes to the bathroom, I go look outside and see a huge school bus (oh it's night btw so I't extremly dark) and I see a light flash inside the bus, afterwards I think someone goes out and waves at me

After that I'm fidgeting with Takeru's iPhone LOL and then he comes out of the bathroom comes up from behind me whispers in my ear what am I doing

and yeah

idk why I found it funny though LOL I think it was cause he paye doh idk 40 DOLLARS FOR A FUCKING FRAPPUCCINO? Yeah.

Oh, I also had another one where we were idk where but at this white apartment and we were playing a game where you weren't suppose to drop the handkerchief? LOL idk I have weird dreams. Anyways, I dropped mine from a window and it was attached to a hanger so it like fell down to the balcony where Takeru & Someone else was (I think it was Shou..But, I'm not sure.) I then dropped my head like 'o shit' and laughed. I was also letting my arm hang outside of the window while the other arm was in. Takeru then looked up and laughed while he picked up the handkerchief.

I thought it was really cute... LOL

Also, a couple of days ago, I had a dream where Yuji was waking me up, like I opened my eyes and he was shaking his head in front of my face. With a weird face.LOL And I first thought, "Masato?" But then I was like, "wait no, that's Yuji." LOL I think Masato was there too. THE WEIRD THING WAS I DIDNT GO ALL 'HOLY COW YUJI' or anything. I acted normal. Then I woke up. LOL My heart jumped too. In mydream.

Anyways, that was it. xD;; I was planning on writing the Yuji & Masato one earlier but I got lazy hahaha ..
