Lately, some dude on Facebook has been flirting with me.


Hard to believe, huh?

Well, anyways, he's been talking to me and such, but it's only been 2 days!!

And he posted on his status that he's single now and whatever. (Honestly, I really don't care.)

He added me and since we had a mutual friend & I decided to accept it.

Bad idea.

He's been flirting with me, and it's really annoying me. I mean, He liked my picture and all my profile pictures.. (

Honestly, I'm not interested. I mean, I'm not really uh, wanting to be in a relationship right now. Sure I do want a boyfriend and everything but..Err. Maybe not a online one?

I thought he was cute and everything but that was it. I didn't really think anything about him.

Then he talked to me asked me where I'm from blah blah blah andn that bullcrap y'know?

Then out of the blue he says, "DO you have a boyfriend?"

I tell him no.

Right now I'm thinking, "Don't get your hopes up buddy."

He puts a smiley face likes this ":D"

And I'm all "wtf...uh okay, I'll put :3"

Then he tells me,

"U'r so cute babe :)"

Is it bad that my heart jumped? Yeah. lol

Well, honestly I was taken back by surprise.

Then I'm all, "Um, thanks? LOL" I was really taken back my surprise. A bit shocked too.

Does this kid even know my age? I mean it says it on my FB Profile. Born on November 19, 1997. Easy to read. Can't miss it. Everyone checks everyone age.

I think he's at least 16-17 I'm sure. I don't know.

We like the same stuff and everything. (Same interests)

After a while he asks me, "Can I be your boyfriend?? :D"




Okay, we just met, and your asking if you want to be my boyfriend? Yeah no. LOL

I think it's really like, idk immature or something if you get out of a relationship then suddenly go and get a girlfriend/boyfriend afterwards. I mean, shouldn't it be better if you waited a while? I mean doesn't that make you look kinda..I don't know..desperate? Like, that you didn't even like the girlfriend/boyfriend you were in the first place? Ithinktoomuch

Anyways, I don't want to reject him because I'll feel bad afterwards but I don't want to be in a relationship either.

I'm not interested in anyone at this moment.


Other than that I'll just tell him no that I'm not interested in being in a relationship right now.

Like, I mean when I'm older I really don't want to be asked out like that. I rather have a good strong relationship as a friend then you can ask me to be your girlfriend, that way we can know what we like and such.

Does that make sense?

I don't think it does.

But, yeah I rather be friends first then get into a relationship. I mean isn't it better that way?

Well I'm about to go and reject him. lol

I feel cold hearted lol I don't really care if he gets sad or whatever.



Like I care.

Also, I'm thinking of deleting him, but what if he goes all whiney and messages me saying "DID U DELETE ME?!!??!?!!!!!one" I don't know. I'm thinking.

Okay now I'm scared as to how he's going to reply. LOL (JUST SAID NO~)

I honestly didn't think this was going to happen. = ___ = ;;;