Soo, my mom's sick.

Recently there's been some kind of mosquito where it bites you, and you get uh bad..(I swear I am immune, I have gotten 5 bites or something on my foot and nothing. So far..)

How to know if you have it? You will occur, vomiting, spots on your skin, something about bleeding?, high fever, diarrhea, And other things as well.

So far, she's been like this for about 2 weeks but nothing bit her. Until yesterday.

BUT. She was sick beforehand so I'm not really sure..

So, I'm taking care of her right now. Trying my best to like y'know comfort her..

Oh, and.

You can die.


Since there isn't really any medicine (?)

You either have to go to the doctor and see what you can do...I just really don't want my mom to die..

I mean, she considers me as her best friend. Because, she's never really had any friends her whole life..

We took her to the doctors, and that doctor is one hell of-..He didn't do no shit! Like, all he did was like tell her 'oh take this pill' and that's it!! Like, my mom told me it was because it wasn't a hospital, but the fuck?! I'm so mad.

Anyways, I really care about my mom, and I'm trying to take care of her, because whenever she gets really bad I'm the only one who cares and my dad doesn't really give a flying duck about it and usually goes out to drink. Yeah. Typical.

Actually, in 2010 September she got sick as well. I was out with my dad and everyone else. She called me and she was crying, and that really like, I started to cry as well. She told me if I was coming home already and I told her I wasn't sure.

Afterwards we got home I asked her if she was okay, but she was crying. After that she started to argue with my dad. Then, I started crying into the pillow..

My dad left again.

Apparently she had a migraine or something..But this is so weird, because I was reading a post on my tumblr in 2010 September and it happened THE SAME TIME this year AGAIN this September! Weird, huh?

I don't know..Why I'm writing this.

I think I just really want her to get better, oh, and, this may probably mean I might not be on tumblr a lot. Yeah, I don't know there's been a lot of drama lately on here and I just want to get out, and I really can't have a lot of tabs open or else Google Chrome will crash.

But, other than that, I don't have school nor will I start school any time soon. So, I'm just saying is I may not be on as uh, usual...

I just hope she doesn't die.

Props to you if your read all of this.