Chapter 81 blood beast, Yang Chu evening of spiritual power has consumed almost, dare streets for safety reasons to go, to find a tree hole after they hid among tree holes. Let Chu evening feel fortunate just to find this little habitat on the island it began to drizzle, these jungle to play wet. Climbing tree holes should be some sort of creature left, which also some hay, Chu twilight holding Moye sitting in a tree hole, this position can be seen just always obscured by fog island sky. Prisoners island is very narrow field of view, this cloud enveloped the more people add a little depressed, and looked confused jungle canopy, Chu twilight gradually somewhat preoccupied. As the fog began wandering thoughts, the mind can not help but emerge out of a number of historical pictures, and looked melancholy ............ gradually Chu evening is very small when the father - Chu Tiancheng live together, in the hearts of Chu Chu twilight Order as teachers as friends, in front of Chu Tiancheng, Chu Mo did not generally the kind of formality to the Nike Air Max elders and awe, more is calm and a smile from the heart of communication, and Chu evening at the age of fifteen years old this has Now this cool shrewdness and wisdom, but also Chu Tiancheng teachings. Although always be in front of Chu Tiancheng no big or little, and sometimes even sarcastic and splashed with cold water, but still right in the heart of Chu evening his father had a deep-rooted worship, worship of his rich life experiences, wisdom thinking, powerful force. Chu evening enjoy this life, though because the original one soul around, almost unable to become the soul of his pet division, Chu evening also never really discouraged because Chu Tiancheng has been the encouragement ...... just did not last long, family recession, so that the original often appear in front of their own smile became hurried back, always a few brief words, or simply a one or two lines of letters ...... Chu evening is not the kind of parents children adhesion He also gradually be independent, in addition to the family began to understand propped up by the elders, but also need to have the potential of the next generation, so the family will have hope. Teens, Chu twilight more contact other family peers, a variety of comparisons, a variety of events, all kinds of intrigue in those teenage boys and girls who appeared frequently ...... But, first about the soul and the inexplicably lost soul about to Chu second evening there is no capital to compete with their peers ...... "The first soul about ......" Think of this time, Chu twilight eyes suddenly become confused and bitter. The first soul every time I think about it, Chu Mo mind will always be filled with the soul of a trace of emotion ...... first Chu Mo mind about a huge shadow, the shadow let Chu every evening to think of it, the hearts are aching, while a bit more inflamed anger and resolutely ...... Many times, Chu evening will be their first pet soul linked with his mother, not because they have some connection, but they bring Chu twilight similar feeling. Chu twilight of their mother's appearance has been somewhat blurred, the impression that she always likes to immerse themselves in the matter, she has a pair of glamorous face, is a beautiful mother, but rarely a smile, her eyes Like stars like moving, can be said to Chu evening was most impressed, but this child is full of eyes superior flavor. The mother is Lengao often go out, one or two years before they see above the surface, Chu Mo remember the last time we met about his twelve years old, and now has in the past three and a half, and she was not even sure of Chu twilight the death of his son has been missing something do not know. Think of it, Chu Mo can not help but shook his head and the mother's emotions very light very light, Chu Mo did not even know her name, only heard his father call her pet name, family name who did not directly address the general are weird lady called Chu, Chu evening she seems in addition to their own memories left a beautiful and haughty looks beyond vague, they no longer anything ............ drizzle still falling forward, No wind of encouragement, rain curtain seemed clear, you can see those trees to get wet and full of trees silhouette among the trees, and occasionally there are some rain baptism of the soul pet unwilling to rise wings, flying gray sky, looking for a more suitable habitat. Cotton rain for about two days, two days of painstaking Chu evening retreat, but also the soul of technology - wind to learn. This skill is a simple wind, at least let Chu evening run faster, of course, the most important thing is to increase the speed of the soul pet. Adventure is the soul of believers skills, Chu Mo is not difficult to learn, but these days let Chu twilight frustrating is that white magic has grown a nightmare order. Chu evening at constant that month, when the city, white magic has grown a nightmare bands, wide cold summer boat with half a month of that time, white nightmare first-order magic has grown, and now has reached four, Sec. order it. Chu also asked the summer twilight wide cold, white magic nightmare actually going to be able to reach a few bands in combat. Xia Guang Han's answer is to look at the white nightmare magic mood. In general, the majority of white magic nightmare arrived three segment, will be able to call out and participate in the fighting. But some wayward white magic nightmare coming four ...... Chu may only be praying their twilight nightmare magic is not a wayward white guy ...... In fact, Chu twilight white nightmare that will now summon demons fighting unwise, After all, white magic nightmare racial hierarchy is very high, the ability to control their own weak soul concept to fight it always a problem. ...... The rain finally stopped, out of the holes in the trees, the clean, fresh air lunged. Chu evening is like breathing breathing happy when suddenly a pungent smell poured into the nose. "Smell of blood?" Chu Mo brow wrinkled up immediately, and Moye carefully hidden in a tree. Chu evening just to hide, not far from the low canopy suddenly sprang into a bloodied man, the man's side followed a two pretty dogs, pretty dogs body was full of blood, accompanied by a man being run ! "Shua!!!!!" Suddenly, the emergence of a dwarf among canopy carnage, carnage parallel to the ground and over, just hit pretty dog, the dog will be quite direct cut in half, which the internal organs and bones completely exposed to the air, the jungle in the rain has added a very pungent smell. The next moment, bushes sprang up among a whole body was covered with the blood of normal hair growth, which reached two meters Body Soul pet, abnormal hair strong, strong limbs, no tail, head like a wolf, but has a bright red bull horns. "Blood Beast!" Saw blood beast, Chu Mo immediately moved up. It can be said that in this prison on the island saw the soul of any pet Chu evening not feel strange, but the emergence of animal blood, let Chu evening was extremely surprised! Blood beast Gangluo one of the city four mainstream soul pet, holding family is in charge of the city Gang Luo Yang family, the family pet soul with blood orc clan fame, galloping around a vast territory. Blood Beast: Wicked sector - Orcs - Orc Blood - Blood Beast subfamily - middle class warrior biggest feature is the blood of animals have mad skills bloodthirsty and blood, bloodthirsty circumstances, to enhance the combat effectiveness of the blood beast become fearless. And even more frightening mad blood, soul enters a pet will be completely distraught mental state, locking the target, become very cruel, violent, fighting not only an instant upgrade, but also in the battle at all costs. "Yang people ...... they how someone would be thrown into the island, who will!" Chu Mo glance this blood beast belongs to Yang, because it still has blood on his forehead beast Yang most characteristic marker! Welcome to visit every day, Random House, URL:, this site provides ringtones, movies, mtv, Internet novel, smart phone software, mobile games, the latest download, so your phone application colorful!