
This Cebu Study Abroad Report is finally over. The four-month life experience in Cebu was truly irreplaceable. The last entry introduces the graduation ceremony.
First of all, my friend's normal graduation ceremony! The location is usually done in a restaurant on the 9th floor above the school.First, graduates will be on the stage and give a speech after receiving the congratulations from the buddy teacher! (Of course English!)




My friend Mr.JIRO is receiving a diploma from LYSA, a buddy teacher!






This graduation ceremony has many friends and this is Ms.Chino! Buddy teacher is LYN!




At the graduation cmony, the teachers will also dance and sing! Really Filipinos like dancing and singing! It's no exaggeration to say that you are always dancing!





Finally, a commemorative photo with all teachers and graduates! The ceremony ends in about 40 minutes, depending on the number of graduates!




I don't like the awe-inspiring atmosphere, so I chose the mini graduation ceremony! The place is school entrance, very casual and good! Buddy teacher JESS gave me a diploma and speech! Teacher JESS, I really took care of you! Thank you from the heart!





そして先生を独り占め!全先生と記念撮影!本当にいい思い出になりました!実は4か月もお世話になったので卒業の時に泣くんじゃないかなと自分で不安になったりしましたが、杞憂でした!最後の授業の時はとても嬉しくてニコニコしていました!でも毎朝先生に「Maayong buntag!」、お昼に「Maayong hapon!」、時にふざけて「Maayong gabii!」なんて挨拶できないんだと思ったら少し寂しくなりました…授業中にも「unsay buot ipasabut」、「pananglitan」等とセブアノをよく使っていたなぁ…出来の悪いオヤジを熱心に教えて頂いた先生方に心より感謝致します!

And take a photo with all the teachers by monopolizing the teachers! It became a really good memory! In fact, I was indebted to be crying at the time of graduation because I was taken care of for four months, but I was uneasy! I was very happy and smiling at the last class!
But every morning I was a little lonely when I thought I couldn't say “Maayong buntag!” To the teacher, “Maayong hapon!” At lunch, and sometimes “Maayong gabii!” I often used Cebuano with “unsay buot ipasabut”“pananglitan”I didn't study much because English was a hobby. But thank you very much to the teachers who taught me eagerly!


A commemorative photo with the lady at the 2F gym reception that I went to almost every day!




Commemorative photo with instructor macho and assistant! English didn't go as expected, but my muscles won't betray! Studying abroad was really fun! As I said many times, I wanted to experience it when I was in my 20s! This blog is over, and thank you very much for all of you in Cebu. I sincerely thank you!




Cebu's memories are on the wall of my house!





This time again, we introduce the tour of Mactan Island Resort Hotel Daily Use, which was planned by our boss Ms.Miki!


Drive to Mactan Island from Mandaue City where the condo is located! The roads on Mactan Island are complex and poorly maintained! Besides, there is a lot of traffic and it takes a lot of time! You can see dogs, cats, goats and other animals walking on the way to the hotel!



そして到着したのが今回デイユースする「プランテーション ベイ リゾート&スパ」!

And we arrived at "Plantation Bay Resort & Spa" for day use!



The inside of the hotel is completely different from the outside world of the hotel! A vast lagoon spreads out and makes our feel like a tropical country! But I felt a little complicated by the excessive gap with the outside world.





Our lunch venue is "Kilimanjaro" located facing the lagoon!




Inside the Kilimanjaro at the lunch venue is like this! Buffet style meal!




First of all, cold San Miguel beer!  I can't imagine a resort meal without beer!




This is what I chose from the many menus! Salads are large and essential!
After lunch relax on the lagoon side! I'd rather lie down by the pool and read a book or listen to music rather than playing with activities! But I did some activities because I had some school friends who went with me.




So I tried gun shooting! Shooting a gun for the first time in 26 years since 1993 when I went to Guam for a half marathon!




The gun I chose is 44 Magnum! The recoil when shooting was intense!




This is the shooting result! Two out of seven missed, but so-so results!





The fun time passed quickly and I returned to Mandaue. We got home from a tropical resort back to the real world.




*もう一つのブログ → まるひで見聞録はこちら

*Another blog → maruhidememoirs is here!



This time, we will introduce “Cebu Safari”, “Nerisville”, and “Top of Cebu” that we went to with our schoolmates in Cebu! This tour was designed by our boss, Ms.Miki, who was together at school!



まずは「セブ・サファリ」から紹介します!ここは2017年にできた新しい施設で正式には「Cebu Safari and Adventure Park」と言うらしいです。場所は学校のあるマンダウエから車でおよそ2~3時間、山をいくつか越えた内陸部にあります。公共交通網で行くのはツーリストには厳しいので我々のボスであるMs.Mikiがツアーをアレンジ、車をチャーターして決行したのだ!

At first we introduce from "cebu safari"! This is a new facility built in 2017 and is officially called "Cebu Safari and Adventure Park". The location is about 2-3 hours by car from Mandaue, where the school is located, and inland over several mountains. Traveling by public transport is difficult for tourists, so our boss, Ms.Miki, arranged the tour, chartered the car and made the decision!





Inside the Safari Park, except for the facilities, the scenery is like a jungle, a movie apocalypse of hell! There is also a vast botanical garden besides a zoo!




You can usually see animals such as giraffes and lions!
The biggest recommendation at this park is to go on a cart to see the animals! Everyone is full of expectations!




Everyone is excited to see the animals directly from the cart like this! But while we are happy, the distance of this tour is only about 400 meters. Everyone is disappointed with this. It would have been really nice if I continued for 20-30 minutes!




Next was "Nerisville"! A facility created just for taking selfies! Anyway, Filipinos love selfies! Take selfies with family and friends anytime, anywhere! Creating a selfie-only facility is like the Philippines!




This place is also in the jungle like Cebu Safari! It's hard to get by public transport, so our boss Ms.Miki has set up to go in difficult places! It is amazing! Actually, I knew this facility. I saw this introduced at the Ariyoshi seminar of a Japanese TV program! Model Nicole Fujita and comedian Nora Hirano were visiting Nerisville when they visited Cebu for three days and two nights!





There are many places that specialize in selfies!





I tried it too!




Commemorative photo with everyone! Men walk around for about 30 minutes and are satisfied enough, but women take a tremendous amount of time! We could n’t stand it…





After enjoying enough selfies at Nerisville, we headed to the “Top of Cebu”! A restaurant with a famous night view! It is so popular that reservations are mandatory!




The scenery looks like this! Locals say Cebu is called Little Hong Kong! However, it seems a little different, but the night view from here was quite good! And the food is reasonable and very high quality! No, I was really satisfied!




Commemorative photo with the night view in the top of Cebu! It was really nice to be able to participate in such a valuable tour! Thanks to our boss Ms.Miki for planning and inviting us! Thank you, it was an unforgettable memory!



*もう一つのブログ → まるひで見聞録はこちら

*Another blog → maruhidememoirs is here!




Breakfast in Cebu that I had eaten for 4 months! I tried to reproduce it at home in Japan!




The first to reproduce is from the bread version on Monday, Wednesday and Friday! It is very delicious but takes time and effort!



And this is the rice version! I can't get a big red vienna sausage in Japan! But a small red vienna sausage created an atmosphere! The point is to sprinkle Furikake on the rice!
I also reproduced the Saturday breakfast pancakes! I had a hard time finding pancakes because they were not selling! It would be nice if you could reproduce the breakfast you had eaten every day in Cebu in Japan! (It's very troublesome and I can't make it every day ...)

*もう一つのブログ → まるひで見聞録はこちら

*Another blog → maruhidememoirs is here!


During the four-month study abroad period, meals were served in the morning and noon, and the only meals were weekday evening meals and weekend lunches and evening meals. This was quite good and satisfying. I will introduce meals at such a school.
First of all, from breakfast! Monday, Wednesday, Friday is bread, Tuesday, Thursday is rice, and Saturday is pancake rotation! Breakfast is served at the school rest area!





This table was my favorite place!
I ate breakfast every day looking at the construction of Mandani Bay under construction in front of the school!




This is the bread breakfast pattern! We had a very sweet coffee! Anyway, it is rich in fruit and features red sausages. Egg dishes are scrambled, fried egg rotation! The side dishes were changed daily!




The rice breakfast is like this! It was really delicious when I sprinkled Furikake on the rice once in a while! I was also happy with the cabbage and onion soup!
Saturday is Pancake Day! The female students were very happy, but I liked plain bread!



We had lunch at a restaurant on the 9th floor, one above the school!




The menu changes daily, but it takes about a week to rotate! Wednesday was special curry day, and everyone was waiting!




Lunch is like this!





The curry was a Japanese-style, home-style curry! I was so happy for some reason!
I stayed for 4 months and had a catered bento from Cebu's Japanese restaurant “Nonki” only twice! This was really good! I remember that everyone was overjoyed! This restaurant was my favorite shop!



If you want to study abroad in Cebu but are worried about Cebu's meals, I would appreciate it if you could refer to it! You will be able to study abroad with confidence!

*もう一つのブログ → まるひで見聞録はこちら

*Another blog → maruhidememoirs is here!