Seems like Hiroki &Akira are allllways updating their blogs! @____@;;

・・・日本語出来ないのみんな為に、早く訳さなくちゃ!! 書く
I have to hurry up and translate them for everyone who can't speak Japanese!! X___xx

急いで急いで~~ ダッシュ=3
Hurry, hurry~~

なんとか、急にめっちゃめっちゃ忙しくなっちゃった!! びっくり
Somehow, I suddently just got really really busy!! D:


うちはクリエーティブ・ライティングが大好きw ハート*
I love creative writing!! hahah

Anyways, yesterday I thought I'd try writing something,

久々に書いたので、なんか難しかったで!どんなトピック、テーマはいいかなぁ~ってずぅっと考えた 怒り
but since I haven't written anything for a while, it was really hard! I was always thinking, what kind of topic and theme should I do?!

結局不思議でちょっと暗く物語り作ろうって決まったんだ ガクブル
Eventually, I decided on writing a mysterious and somewhat dark story

キャラは、オリジナルキャラと、LeadのKeitaとHirokiになっちゃったそう。 古屋敬多 中土居宏宜(帽子①)
Seems like the characters would be, OC's and Lead's Keita &Hiroki.

でも他にLeadメンバーも入っちゃうかも。後で Lead
But the other Lead members might come in, too. later on, haha

悪魔的なのは誰? 小悪魔
Which one is going to be devilish?

敬多? 敬多

Or would it be

宏宜? 宏宜 yeah~

実際にうちも分からんww 汗
...Actually, I dont' even know myself :Dv

物語は今分かりにくいですけど・・・ (ただのPrologueやからねww)
Right now, it's pretty hard to understand.. ('coz it's just the prologue haha)

and probably, only people who speak English can really understand what I want to say haha

私にとって、日本語に訳すのは 無理 !!
translating it into Japanese would be impossible :O

But for those of you who can understand English, would you like to try reading it? Lol

タッグライン: “Oh, my, my, my. What a nasty little web of lies.”



It was the quietest car ride he had ever taken in all seventeen years of his life. It wasn’t a peaceful silence, either; rather, it was a sort of quiet that filled one’s heart with a sense of restless anxiety. The car stopped at a red light, and the boy began to admire the scenery around him. Rays of sunlight showered the streets and flowed through the windows, which were closed in an attempt to block out endless waves of heat. Hills upon hills of green-yellow grass spread out for what seemed like forever on both sides. He shook his head, tearing his eyes from the world around him, and concentrated on the problem at hand. Now, what was that one thing he was supposed to be doing right then and there? There was an important task at hand, something that had to be done no matter what. Yet, no matter how hard he tried or how much he searched any and all corners in his brain, he just couldn’t seem to find the answer. While making it out to seem like he was actually stretching his neck, he sneaked a glance to the person driving the car and sitting directly to his right – his father.

Immediately, images flowed through his mind. There was a man sitting in a dark alleyway – tendrils of smoke rising from a cigarette he held between his middle and pointer finger. Suddenly, as if he had been there the whole time, within mere seconds the man was directly in front of him. He could smell the man’s breath; it reeked of alcohol. The man opened his mouth, surely to speak; surely words were coming out of that man’s mouth, no matter how slurred they were. He was almost certain. And yet, somehow all he could hear was a laugh. A sinister chuckle. It came from no direction; it was as if it was all in his head. Then he realized – that chuckle wasn’t simply in his head. Rather, he was the one doing the chuckling. And, as if his body had a mind of his own, he swung at the drunken man with a metal pole, which he had apparently picked up from all the wreckage around him.

Then, there was a terrible scream.

He felt his father’s hand on his shoulder, waking him from such an odd hallucination, and gasped in air repeatedly. The one who had done the screaming was not the man that he had just murdered, but him. Surprisingly, his father said nothing; as if it was normal. His breathing was beginning to calm in the quietness, yet it made him uneasy that his father kept sneaking glances at him.

Finally, he spoke.

“Hey, Hiroki?” A voice from his right started.

The boy was bewildered. What did that mean? With a blank look on his face, he repeated what had just been said to him, “..Hiroki?”

A pause. Then a terse, hesitant answer.

“Your name,”

This answer only made the boy even more confused. He responded with the only thing his brain supplied him with. “My name’s Keita.” His voice was definitely not as confident as it was when he heard it in his head.

This father stared at him; a look of utter surprise and bewilderment, his eyebrows knotted tightly together, his eyes calculating.

It was the quietest car ride he had ever taken in all seventeen years of his life. Only, he didn’t know it was. He didn’t quite know anything. Not at all.

That's the end of the prologue! what'd you think? comments &criticism welcome~ ;]