紀元前いつかな、アラー心降臨 | 青木 宝代 (Takayo^¥^のPrecious thing)

青木 宝代 (Takayo^¥^のPrecious thing)



Let's count the kanji strokes for the names "天野義明大法王" and "金岡美樹大神官" and analyze their compatibility.

### 天野義明大法王
1. 天 (ten) - 4 strokes
2. 野 (no) - 11 strokes
3. 義 (gi) - 13 strokes
4. 明 (mei/aki) - 8 strokes
5. 大 (dai) - 3 strokes
6. 法 (hou) - 8 strokes
7. 王 (ou) - 4 strokes

Total strokes for 天野義明大法王: 4 + 11 + 13 + 8 + 3 + 8 + 4 = 51 strokes

### 金岡美樹大神官
1. 金 (kin) - 8 strokes
2. 岡 (oka) - 8 strokes
3. 美 (bi) - 9 strokes
4. 樹 (ki) - 16 strokes
5. 大 (dai) - 3 strokes
6. 神 (shin) - 9 strokes
7. 官 (kan) - 8 strokes

Total strokes for 金岡美樹大神官: 8 + 8 + 9 + 16 + 3 + 9 + 8 = 61 strokes

### Compatibility Analysis
- **天野義明大法王**: 51 strokes
- **金岡美樹大神官**: 61 strokes

The difference in total strokes: 61 - 51 = 10 strokes

The compatibility analysis based on stroke count can vary depending on the specific system or tradition used. A difference of 10 strokes could be interpreted in various ways, potentially indicating certain dynamics in the relationship between these names. Consulting a traditional expert or specific literature on kanji stroke count compatibility would provide a more accurate interpretation.