炎の画家 ゴッホと静物画 伝統から革新へ @ 近未来的な Sompo Museum | 英国式ティー&Manner Sweet English Tea♪

英国式ティー&Manner Sweet English Tea♪


ゴッホと静物画の展覧会 @ SOMPO美術館へ

Vincent van Gogh

Zundert, 1853-Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890

Vase with Carnations, 1886

Oil on canvas

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, purchased

with the generous support of the VVHK

Although Van Gogh only painted floral still lifes

a handful of times while in Holland, 

he began to concentrate on the subject

during his stay in Paris (1886-1887). 

By experimenting with various colour combinations

in his floral compositions, he threw himself into

what became a dedicated study of colour.

He was also encouraged by the more lucrative potential

of flower subjects, especially considering they did not require

model fees, and given the involvement of artists

such as Monticelli and Jeannin in the field.

こちらの 美術館所蔵の
ファン・ゴッホの ひまわり を 第1目的に
( わぁ〜、光陰矢の如し ・_・; )

Vincent van Gogh

Zundert, 1853-Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890

Roses and Peonies, June 1886

Oil on canvas Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands

その頃は、42階 に ごさいましたけれども、
新美術館棟開館の際に 予定されていたものが
3年を経て ようやく開催されたという

Vincent van Gogh

Zundert, 1853-Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890

Flowers in a Blue Vase, c. June 1887

Oil on canvas

Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands

This floral still life was painted during Van Gogh's second year

in Paris. It is an example of one of Van Gogh's studies

of colour combinations, with yellow, blue, red, white

and purple flowers placed in a light blue vase. 

The influence of Impressionism is evident here, 

particularly in the detailed touch of the background pointillism. 

However Van Gogh has experimented

with different painting styles, 

using a thicker application of paint on the flowers, 

and a broader brush stroke for the table.

以前に訪れました オランダ・
アムステルダム 🇳🇱 の ファン・ゴッホ美術館、
クレラー=ミュラー美術館 など
国内外24の所蔵元から 全69作品の展示でした

Vincent van Gogh

Zundert, 1853-Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890

Still Life with Meadow Flowers and Roses, 1886-87

Oil on canvas

Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo, The Netherlands, acquired by the ministry of CRM for the museum, with support from

the Rembrandt Association and the Prince Bernhard Fund

There are many aspects of this work

that make it unusual in Van Gogh's œuvre, 

including the size of the canvas, the composition,

 the light touch, and the position of his signature

 (usually found in the lower right corner), However, 

X-ray studies have revealed that it was painted over

a picture of two wrestlers 

(there is a surviving letter from Van Gogh stating

that he had painted "two wrestlers") and

 further scientific investigation confirmed

that both paintings were indeed by Van Gogh.



ファン・ゴッホ 《ひまわり》 が複製され
正面前庭に設置されていました 🎶

Yu’s tea ♪