Forget the days of living on the blood sugar roller coaster and get ready to maximize your potential with worldclass blood sugar control My names Matt Collins and Ive been a Typediabetic sinceSince diagnosis overyears ago Ive improved my AC from overto the lowrange Now Im happy to share the exact methods I used to achieve success with Typediabetes via this first edition of TD Pro TD Pro is written and illustrated to provide you a clearcut blood sugar management GUIDE covering five critical areas Glucose visibility Understanding Insulin Diet amp ExerciseChapters include The exact methods I used to lower my AC fromto the lowrange Key tools I implement into my daily routine How I manage my insulin What I eat for each meal to maintain optimal control A stepbystep design to ensurehours of sleep every night and much more TD Pro best serves two primary audiences TDs ready to take control and achieve worldclass ACs and Parents of newly diagnosed TDs Now put your learning caps on and prepare