
試験内容を復習しましょう! 〔VIC ACADEMY公式採用提携校〕




カタール航空一次選考通過のポイントは計算問題?! (2016年10月実施分)

カタール航空二次選考詳細★トピックトーク&スキンチェック (2016年10月実施分)





ふんわり風船星If you could have someone to have dinner with from the history, who would you choose? Why?
ふんわり風船星If you could have special power, what would you like to have? Why?
ふんわり風船星If you could have chance to work with people from different culture , who would you choose? Why?
ふんわり風船星If you could be an animal, what would you like to be? Why?
ふんわり風船星Tell us about your ambition except being a cabin attendant.
ふんわり風船星Choose a song. What does the song mean to you?
ふんわり風船星Choose a color. What does the color mean to you?
ふんわり風船星Choose a role model from someone you know. Why did you choose the person? How does the person impress you?
ふんわり風船星Tell us something you want to change in your life.
ふんわり風船星Tell us the history of Geisha Girls.
ふんわり風船星How would you introduce Japanese culture to foreigners who are first time in Japan?
ふんわり風船星You won one million dollars.  What would you do with the money?
ふんわり風船星Is there anything you want to change in Japan? What is it?
ふんわり風船星Why is education important?
ふんわり風船星Is social media important in our society?
ふんわり風船星Japan had hard time because of the earthquake and Tsunami. How did they affect Japan?
ふんわり風船星Tell us about Disneyland . How special is Tokyo Disneyland?
ふんわり風船星Why Japanese students have branded products, such as Gucci and CHANEL? Are they important to you?  Do you have any?
ふんわり風船星Talk about Kimono.
ふんわり風船星Talk about Sumo.
ふんわり風船星Talk about electrical brand in Japan.
ふんわり風船星Go green  (environment)*
ふんわり風船星Talk about Hachiko. Why is Hachiko famous?

*Go green は environment の意味だそうです。









