



A chimpanzee, whose mother was killed by poachers, attacks humans in revenge. Bruno. 



A chimpanzee, known for its high intelligence, attacked humans in revenge for its mother being killed by poachers. Named Bruno, the chimpanzee's aggressive nature is characteristic of male chimpanzees, who often engage in fierce battles over territory and females within their groups. Being omnivorous, chimpanzees may also attack humans as they consume meat. In 2006, tourists were attacked by a group of chimpanzees in Sierra Leone, West Africa. During this attack, the driver was killed, and four others were seriously injured. Leading the group was Bruno, an escaped male who had been raised in captivity. It's unclear whether the ferocity, which involved devouring the victims' faces, was driven by a desire for revenge against the poachers who killed his parent. Bruno smashed the car's windshield with his fists, dragged the driver's canoe from the vehicle, grabbed him by the neck, repeatedly slammed his head onto the ground until he lost consciousness, peeled off his fingernails and toenails, and then proceeded to bite off and sever all the digits on his limbs. This incapacitated the victim, allowing Bruno to begin consuming his face while still alive, ultimately sending him to the afterlife. Despite police efforts to capture Bruno, he remains at large and continues to evade capture.