【獣医師】動物が地震を予知する #動物 #野生動物 #ペット 鳥吉英伸 Hidenobu Toriyoshi (youtube.com)








The belief that animals can predict earthquakes has existed since ancient times, but the scientific basis for this is unclear. However, it is a fact that abnormal behavior in animals is often observed before an earthquake occurs. 

For example, when catfish become restless or deep-sea fish are washed ashore, it is sometimes interpreted as a precursor to an earthquake. Additionally, phenomena such as mass stranding of dolphins or whales, disappearance of rats from urban areas, or large flocks of crows flying in the sky have been reported before earthquakes. Dogs barking incessantly, biting their owners, refusing to eat, or cats showing restlessness, constant meowing, or seeking higher ground are also commonly observed behaviors. 

On the other hand, during the Haicheng earthquake in China, there were numerous reports of abnormal animal behavior before the earthquake, suggesting that animals might serve as a means of earthquake prediction. However, there is still no scientific confirmation of this. 

To predict earthquakes, it is essential to utilize not only observations of animal behavior but also earthquake science and prediction technologies.