Emergency Evacuation for Pets in Times of Disaster. #pets #vets #dogs Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi (youtube.com)



鳥吉英伸 Emergency Evacuation for Pets in Times. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi


Concrete Measures for Pet Accompanied Evacuation in Times of Disaster. Emergency Evacuation for Pets. Points to Consider when Evacuating with Pets. When evacuating with pets, there are various methods such as evacuating to shelters, staying at home, or sheltering in vehicles. However, it's important to note that the designated pet area in evacuation centers differs from the residential space of the pet owners. Pets are required to be kept on a leash, and their accommodation should be within the cages or carriers brought by the owners. As for considerations in evacuation centers, while these may vary by local government, understanding the pet's personality and any existing health conditions and creating a stress-free environment are crucial. Checking for pet-friendly hotels and veterinary clinics that are acceptable during disasters is also important. On the other hand, when keeping pets in shared living spaces like evacuation centers, consideration for others is necessary, as some individuals may have allergies or discomfort around animals. According to survey results from municipalities following the East Japan Earthquake, the most common issues in evacuation centers regarding pets were complaints about the barking and odor of dogs. Other problems included instances where dogs were allowed to roam freely, causing disturbances around sleeping evacuees, concerns about pets posing risks to children, and occurrences of fleas due to inadequate pet care by owners. Therefore, in managing pets in evacuation centers, it is crucial for pet owners to understand their pets' personalities and health conditions, creating a stress-free environment. Additionally, handling pet waste is the responsibility of the owner, and using clothing on dogs for hair shedding prevention can be effective. Since it is anticipated that pets may panic during disasters and there might be situations where owners have to leave pets at home, microchip implantation, which is already mandatory, is also essential. Preparing necessary equipment for pet evacuation, along with regular training and health management, is important.


[veterinarian's animal trivia] ▼Hidenobu Toriyoshi - Brief Biography: He completed his doctoral program at the Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, earning a Doctor of Medicine degree and obtaining a veterinarian license. Additionally, he is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the California Veterinary Medical Association. He also teaches at the Veterinary School Graduate School and serves as the director of an animal hospital. He has also experienced false accusations. He has accumulated experience as a veterinarian at places like SeaWorld Aquarium in Florida and the San Diego Zoo in California, dealing with the treatment of various animal species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and invertebrates. His skills are highly regarded worldwide, contributing to the treatment of a staggering twenty thousand species of animals. He received the "Modest McLean Award" from the American Veterinary Medical Association, marking the first time for a Japanese individual to achieve this honor. He is truly a rare veterinarian, known as the "Doctor of Rare Animals." ▼ Related Videos The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English subtitled movie 2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYOF6UpdhUI The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English version 2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roTEyMR4O9k "The Vet's Way," a novel/ Real Stories, Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, DVM, Ph.D. [English version] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B59AHW_F3F4 Pets of the King of Cambodia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GDNEUieRIQ Hidenobu Toriyoshi's biography is as follows: Hidenobu Toriyoshi graduated from the Tokyo University, Graduate School of Medicine with a doctorate and obtained qualifications as a medical doctor and a veterinarian. Additionally, he is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the California Veterinary Medical Association. He also serves as a professor at the Veterinary Medicine Graduate School and is the director of an animal hospital. He has personally experienced being a victim of a wrongful accusation. He gained veterinary experience at locations such as SeaWorld Aquarium in Florida and the San Diego Zoo in California, working on the treatment of various animal species, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, insects, and invertebrates. His skills have been highly acclaimed worldwide, and he has contributed to the treatment of over 20,000 species. He received the "Modest Maclean Award" from the American Veterinary Medical Association, marking a groundbreaking achievement as the first Japanese recipient. He is truly recognized as a rare veterinarian and a doctor of exotic animals. "One of the world's top veterinarian who treats everything from insects and fish to elephants and whales." Professor Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, D.V.M., D.M.Sc., Ph.D. : Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo 


【令和6年能登半島地震/ ペット/ 獣医師より】災害時のペットのための緊急避難 鳥吉英伸 Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi



【鳥吉英伸 経歴、鳥吉英伸 現在】【鳥吉英伸 画像】

災害時のペット同行避難についての具体的な対策。ペットのための緊急避難。ペットと一緒に避難する場合の注意点。令和6年能登半島地震の後、私たちにできること。 ペットと一緒に避難する場合、避難所に同行避難するか、在宅避難や車中泊避難などの方法があります。ただし、避難所でのペットの飼育スペースは、飼い主の居住スペースとは異なり、リードを着けた上で、飼い主が持参したケージやキャリーバッグの中などで飼育することが求められています。避難所での注意点として、自治体によって異なりますが、ペットの性格や持病の有無を把握し、ストレスのない環境を整えることが重要です。災害時に受け入れ可能なペットホテル、動物病院を確認しておくことも大切です。一方、様々な人が共同生活を送る避難所でペットを飼育する場合は、動物が苦手な人やアレルギーを持っている人などもいるため、当然ほかの人への配慮が必要となります。東日本大震災に伴う自治体へのアンケート調査結果で、避難所でのペットのトラブルでは、犬の鳴き声や臭いなどの苦情が最も多かったということです。その他、「避難所で犬が放し飼いにされ、寝ている避難者の周りを動き回っていた」、「ペットによる子供への危害が心配」、「ノミが発生した」など、飼い主による適正な飼育が行われていないことによるトラブルが多く見られたということです。したがって、避難所でのペットの飼育には、飼い主がペットの性格や持病の有無を把握し、ストレスフリーな環境を整えることが重要です。また、避難所での糞尿の始末は飼い主の責務であり、抜け毛対策で犬が服を着させることも効果的だと思います。災害時にペットがパニックになり、居なくなったり、どうしようもなくペットを自宅に置き去りにしたりすることも想定されるため、すでに義務化されているマイクロチップ装着も重要です。ペットの避難に必要な用具などを日頃から準備しておくことや、普段からしつけや健康管理をしておくことなども大切です。 #地震 #ペット #犬 #猫 #津波 #防災


▼鳥吉英伸 経歴、鳥吉英伸 現在 東京大学大学院医学系研究科で博士課程を卒業し、医学博士および獣医師の資格を取得。さらに、アメリカ獣医師会および米国カリフォルニア州獣医師会のメンバーでもある。また、獣医科大学大学院で教鞭を執り、動物病院の院長も務めている。 彼はアメリカのフロリダ州シーワールド水族館やカリフォルニア州サンディエゴ動物園などで獣医師としての経験を積み、様々な動物種(哺乳類、鳥類、爬虫類、両生類、魚類、昆虫、無脊椎動物)の治療に携わってきました。その腕前は世界中で高く評価され、彼は二万もの動物種の治療に貢献しています。 彼はアメリカ獣医師会の「モデストマクリーン賞」を受賞し、これは日本人として初めての快挙です。彼はまさに珍しい獣医師、珍獣ドクターとしてその名を知られています。 【鳥吉英伸 画像】 


▽関連動画 奇跡のカリスマ獣医2 鳥吉英伸【日本語字幕版】Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM, D.M.Sc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tikT3im2Xc0 奇跡のカリスマ獣医 鳥吉英伸【1分切り抜き】「昆虫、魚から象、クジラまで治療する獣医さん」Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM, D.M.Sc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=947uHPtJY70 奇跡のカリスマ獣医2 鳥吉英伸(アニメ版) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zequr0t4H7U 【都市伝説】未知なる絆 - 獣医の異次元冒険と動物たちとの対話。アヤワスカの力で描く、動物と人間の心の物語【日本語字幕】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiXYO2Wtw5Q 小説「獣医の細道」本の要約【日本語字幕】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJwY-xurKd8 小説「獣医の細道」本の紹介(ショート動画)【日本語字幕】 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/aziyBccitXg 獣医の細道 - 世界で輝く若き凄腕獣医師の物語 “東京の獣医師ムラの陰謀と挑戦。日本の小動物病院業界の闇を暴く” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wl5MYewGvc サンディエゴ動物園の奇跡の獣医師: 日本人初の挑戦者 "2万種の動物との感動の診療日記と思い出の瞬間" 鳥吉英伸 Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, DVM, Ph.D【日本語字幕】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqJZtIihOrw 【鳥吉英伸】王のペットたち!世界最高峰のスゴ腕獣医との出会い「鳥吉博士とカンボジア国王のモンキーズ。異国の王宮ペットたちの物語」 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GDNEUieRIQ カバの歯科冒険、メロンで虫歯戦士 "カバの歯科治療の驚きの一瞬" 歯の秘密と治療の舞台裏【切り抜き】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwMzhTRThhQ The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English subtitled movie]-short movie https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Oaud7PjMjXs The highest skilled veterinarian who treats everything from insects to elephants, Hidenobu Toriyoshi [English subtitled movie] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upzAsplqvsg Pets of the King! Encounter with the World's Top-notch Veterinarian: "Dr. Toriyoshi and the Monkeys of the Cambodian King's Palace. The Story of Foreign Royal Pets." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GDNEUieRIQ Hippo dental examination by zoo veterinarian-short film https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zbt6lh7vodg "The Vet's Way," a novel/ Real Stories, Prof. Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, DVM, Ph.D. [English version] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B59AHW_F3F4 Professor Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, D.V.M., D.M.Sc., Ph.D. : Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo University 企画制作:のん、みーさん 



東京大学卒 医学博士・獣医師の動物豆知識【鳥吉英伸 大学院教授】



🚀もし何か質問や提案がありましたら、どしどしコメントしてくださいね。皆さんと一緒にコミュニケーションをとるのが楽しみです!🌟どうもありがとうございます! Professor Dr. Hidenobu Toriyoshi, Ph.D., DVM, D.M.Sc. The University of Tokyo チャンネル企画・運営: のん、みーさん


