
The fully loaded, award-winning CPT QuickRef app combines the best of AMA's CPT content with billing tools to help improve the accuracy and efficiency of the work you perform.  The CPT(R) QuickRef app. Premium app content includes the following: Coding and Billing Pack. Use your mobile device to search and browse all CPT codes and descriptors, complete with applicable modifiers, illustrations, vignettes, RVUs, CPT Assistant references when codes are described in newsletter articles, and both global and GPCI-specific cost information.CPT Assistant Archive. Access the full content of all CPT Assistant articles (1990-2021) using your mobile device.E/M Wizard. Quickly determine the appropriate code based on visit documentation using all available guidelines: AMA and CMS '95, '97, and the office &amp outpatient visit E/M guidelines updated for 2021. The CPT QuickRef app Premium Content (2022 code set information &amp CPT(R) Assistant articles) are accessible on iOS and Android mobile 