The Standard VAT Rate In Ireland is 23% While There we have multiple more VAT Rates In Ireland Like 13.5%, 9%, 5%, and 4%. But here for standard VAT Rate, you can use multiple tools for your tax calculation in Ireland. This tool will help you both in adding VAT And Removing VAT Very Easily. And yes if you are from outside Ireland then you can change the country In this Tool. But First of all, you need to know how this tool works just enter your total amount and click the calculate button it's simple for you to get your accurate result in your taxes from Ireland. Also if you want to copy your result you can do it. For another optional result, this tool will help you to show all other VAT Rate results for the same amount you were given for the 23% VAT Rate. VAT Calculator Ireland is the only tool over the internet that provides these much-advanced features for Irish People. And yes this tool is very fast and accurate in their result without any problem you will be happy once you use this after that you will have to come again to save your time just by using this tool.