





Ray Parker Jr. / Ghostbusters






これまたサントラ出身のヒット曲。「Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!」のフレーズがとっても耳に残るキャッチーさ満点の一曲っすニコ。ちょうど夏休みでアメリカに行った時に流行ってて、現地のTower Recordsでこの1曲だけのためにサントラを買いましたにやり


で、以前もご紹介しましたが、この曲、いわくつきっす。Huey Lewisのこの曲のパクリ疑惑で訴えられて大きなニュースになってました。確かにメロディラインがそっくり。こりゃダメだろショック


PVは映画のシーン多用。でもそれよりも印象に残るのはたくさんの俳優やシンガーが1shotで出てくるところかな。Carly Simonとかも出てきますニコ


ちなみに映画の続編「GhostbustersⅡ」ではRUN D.M.C.がこの曲をカバーしとりました上差し。 しかしイマイチしっくりきませんな・・・にやり






Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-chan from Yangon.


As I talked before, some people sell white flower to driver during a car stop at crossroad. This white flower is jasmine. It is good smell and car drivers use it as air freshener. 


Well, today’s song is this. He was sued by him.


“ Ray Parker Jr. / Ghostbusters “


This song got 3 weeks No.1 on Billboard Magazine in August of 1984. It came from Original Soundtrack “Ghostbusters”.


It had impressive phrase “Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!” and it made this song be very catchy song. At that time, I was visiting US and I got this album at Tower Records of Manhattan.


As I talked before, Ray was sued by Huey Lewis because of rip Huey’s song off, and it became a big news at that time. As listen to it, melody line is almost same… :-(


A lot of movie scenes were used for this video and so many movie star and singer appeared as cameo. You can see Carly Simon, Chevy Chase, Irene Cara, Peter Falk and others.


This song was covered by RUN D.M.C. for Ghostbusters II.


With this movie, try this song.




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