





Queen / I Want To Break Free







邦題は「ブレイク・フリー(自由への旅立ち)」。この曲は1984年5月に最高45位を記録。彼らの11thアルバム「The Works」からの2ndシングルっす。




でもこの曲はPVが強烈にパンチがありましたグー。メンバー全員、女装です・・・アセアセ。もう強烈っす。Brianのサザエさん風お母さん、Johnのおばあちゃんはかなりハマり役にやり。強烈なのがFreddie。ヒゲ生えてんですが、妙にセクシーさを感じてしまうのは私だけ? ただ何故かRogerだけは可愛いのよねぇ・・・ねー。かなりハマってます。で、間奏部分の踊りは英国王立バレエ団との踊りなんだってにやり


Freddieが亡くなった後の追悼コンサートでLisa Stansfieldが掃除機持って登場してこの曲を歌ってます。なかなかいい感んじニコ






Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-chan from Yangon.


A pigeon in Yangon is very thin. Thinner than Japanese one. Not only pigeon but also a crow and a sparrow also. I think it is because of feed situation. It makes me think a feed situation in Japan is very well…


Well, today’s song it this. What a funny video it was!


“ Queen / I Want To Break Free “


This song got No.45 on Billboard Magazine in May of 1984. It was 2nd single which followed after “Radio Ga Ga” and came from their 11th album “The Works”.


The chart action was not so high but its melody was very catchy and very gentle mood. I loved this song.


However, this video was super impressive. All member were dragged-up.  Brian as a mom and John acted as a grand-ma. they were typecast for them. And Freddie. So funny but little sexy… ;-)  And also Roger was very cute. Freddie performed with The Royal Ballet during this song.


After Freddie was gone, Lisa Stansfield sang this song in The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert.


Very gentle mood, try this song.





つっちゃんのmy Pick



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