





Twisted Sister / We’re Not Gonna Take It




この曲はBillboard誌で1984年9月に最高21位を記録。彼らの3rdアルバム「Stay Hungry」からの1stシングルっす。彼らの唯一のほぼTop20ヒットですね上差し


この分かりやすいハードロック、あまりうまくない演奏、高一男子に突き刺さりましたにやり。しかし、しかーし、何よりも突き刺さったのか彼らのルックスウシシ(誰もがそうなはず)。もうケバいったらありゃしない。特にVoのDee Sniderね。もうスゴイっす。あのガタイで女性の下着とかも着てたもんね。同じケバさでもMotleyRattとは一線を画してました。


PVもとっても特徴的。MIck Jaggar似の不機嫌な父親が息子に「Rockなんかしてんじゃねぇよっ!」と唾飛ばしながら怒鳴り散らしたあげく、Rockサウンドに吹き飛ばされまくるというオモロいPVニコ。そんなわけでMTVでヘビロテでした。Deeのアップがもう怖いっすーアセアセ。で、ジャケはさらに怖い・・・えーん






Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-chan from Yanogn.


Dog topic as yesterday. My neighbors have a Pomeranian. It seems there are pet shops in Yangon, and they bought this Pomeranian from one of pet shops. She is little dog and so cute, however I’m not sure if they can walk around in Yangon safely because so many stray dogs in there… Be careful..


Well, let’s move to today’s song. What blatant makeup they are….


“ Twisted Sister / We’re Not Gonna Take It “


This song got No.21 on Billboard Magazine in September of 1984. It was 1st single from their 3rd album “Stay Hungry”. It is their only one top 20 hit song.


15 years boy became to like this song easily because it was easy understanding hard rock and not so good play. However, everyone thought as me, their looks was big issue for this band. So blatant makeup. Too much. Especially, singer Dee Snider. It was completely different from typical LA Metal band like Motley Crue and Ratt.


In this video, angry father blustered to his rock kid with spitting, but he was blown by this song. It was very funny video, so MTV played always.


It’s Dee, try this song.




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