





The Cars / Drive




この曲はBillboard誌で1984年9月から10月にかけて3週間、最高3位を記録しました。彼らの5thアルバム「Heartbeat City」からの3rdシングルです。彼らの最も売れた曲っすね。


名曲です。この曲はRicではなくBassistのBenjamin Orrが歌っている曲で、全体的にチャカチャカした曲が多いアルバムの中で、唯一しっとりとした、本当によいバラード曲。個人的にはこのアルバムの中でベストっす上差し。よく聴いたなぁ・・・ニコ


元気印のThe Carsなんだけど、PVはとっても味のある仕上がりっす。Ricもおちゃらけてません。当時、椅子に1人座って寂しげに歌っているBenjaminがとっても印象的でしたニコ








Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-can from Yangon.


Today it usual day which was previously holiday. It became to normal day suddenly. So most of all people have a plan to go somewhere, so there is no person in my office… Unfortunately, I’m in office….


Well, today’s song is this. It was really really good song. So sorry…


“ The Cars / Drive “


This song got 3 weeks No.3 from Sep to Oct of 1984. It came from their 5th album “Heartbeat City” and it was biggest hit song for them.


Really good song. Benjamin Orr who was the bassist sang behalf of Ric. Most of all songs from this album were pop, however only this song was ballad song. It was best song in this album for me.


Video was made with very serious acting. Rick also.Benjamin sitting alone was very impressive.


As you know, Benjamin was died in 2000 because of cancer. I’m really really sorry for this…


Beautiful ballad song, try this.





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