

さて、昨日ご紹介したボーヂョーマーケット(ボーヂョーゼー)の正面に大きなショッピングセンター、Junction Cityが先日Openしました。ヤンゴン市内にあるJunctionシリーズ(Square, Mawtin)の系列です。Coachなどのブランドショップと合わせて、グランドフロアには新ボーヂョーゼーが入ってますグッ




Rick Springfield / Love Somebody




この曲はBillboard誌で1984年5月に2週間、最高5位を記録しました。彼のアルバムとするなら8枚目、彼主演の映画サントラ「Hard To Hold」からのシングルカットっすにやり












Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-chan from Yangon.


I introduced Bogyoke Aung San Market. And now, new shopping center called Junction City opens in front of that market. This is one of the Junction shopping malls. There are a lot of brand shops like COACH, and also new Bogyoke Aung San Market at ground floor.


Well, today’s song it this. Hit song from his movie’s sound track.


“ Rick Springfield / Love Somebody “


This song got 2 weeks No.5 on Billboard Magazine in May of 1984. It was the single from his 8th album which was the sound track of his movie “Hard To Hold”.


This was also the hit song from OST. This song followed from his previous album “Living in OZ” and It was pop rock song. I love this song so I got this record soon after listening to this. I thought “Is he getting sick??” because his face on album jacket was pale….


As other sound track song, this video also included a lot of movie scene. Since “Indiana Jones / The Temple Of Doom” came out, this video had a scene which was inspired this Indiana Jones movie.  Anyhow, Rick was so cool.


It was good pop rock, try this song.




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