





David Bowie / Blue Jean




この曲はBillboard誌で1984年11月に2週間、最高8位を記録しました。彼の16枚目のアルバム「Tonight」に収録されていた1stシングル。前作「Let’s Dance」の大ヒットの勢いのまま、アルバムもシングルもヒットしてました。




PVはかっこよくステージで歌い踊る超カッコいいBowieと、客席で美人さんに浮き足立ってるおとぼけBowieの一人二役にやり。このPV、この曲をフィーチャーしたショートムービー、「Jazzin' For Blue Jean」の一部っす。MichaelのThrillerの影響っすかね、こういった長編ビデオ。当時流行ってましたニコ








Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-chan from Yangon.


New terminal are available for ANA from February at Yangon Airport. I smelled distinct Myanmar smell at previous terminal, however new one is so good and clean. So, I’m in Japan now ;-)


Well, let’s move to today’s song. This song is favorite one of his songs.


“ David Bowie / Blue Jean “


This song got 2 weeks No.8 on Billboard Magazine in November of 1984. It was 1st single from his 16th album “Tonight”. His momentum had continued since previous big hit album “Let’s Dance”.


This is one of my favorite Bowie’s songs. It started with hitting drum, It went ahead with weak guitar sounds and it had a bass tone Bowie’s voice. They added special atmosphere to this song.


Bowie acted two roles in this video. One was a cool rock star who sang this song in this video. Another one was a guy who made a pass at beauty (but it was failed…).

This video was a part of short film for this song. I saw some short file such like this. It may be in consequence of Michael’s Thriller.


His attractive voice is here, try this song.




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