



さて、今日はこの曲。彼らもNew Waveに括られるかな。


Wang Chung / Dance Hall Days





この曲はBillboard誌で1984年7月に最高16位を記録してました。彼らの2ndアルバム「Point On The Curve」からのシングルカットっす。US出身かと思っとりましたが、UK出身のバンドなんすねーぶー




PVは2バージョンありました。あたくしが知ってるのは今回ご紹介したもの上差し。Home Videoっぽいものを集めたもの。もう1つの方はタイトル通り、Dance Hallものです。こっちはあまり記憶にないっす。

高一男子、Vo.のJack Huesが「Stingそっくり真顔」と思っとりました(今見ると全然ちがうじゃんえー?)。


Wang Chungとは中国語で黄色い鐘。まぁー、聴いてみてくださいな。




Hi, everyone. This is Tsu-chan from Yangon.


I can see some one withdraws a lot of bundles of bills sometimes. So many. I guess everybody think it is impossible to put them into their bag. But here is Myanmar. They don’t put into the bag. Bank clerk give many bundles with plastic bag and customer take it….


Well, today’s song is this. They may be also New Wave band.


“ Wang Chung / Dance Hall Days “


This song got No.16 on Billboard Magazine in July of 1984. It was cut from their 2nd album “Point On The Curve”. I had thought they came from US however they were UK band.


Quite vocal and distinctive rhythm was impressive and I like the vocal part after its chorus.

There were two version of videos. I know above one which was made with home made video. Another one was that they played in Dance Hall but I didn’t remember this version…

Don’t you think Singer, Jack Hues looks like Sting??


Wang Chung means yellow bells in Chinese. Try this song.




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