

ヤンゴン レストラン事情。今日はTin Tin。これはメキシカンです。オフィスの近くにあるこじんまりとした佇まいのお店。ここだけちょっと異空間的な雰囲気を出してます。タコスが美味しいのです。




Night Ranger / (You Can Still) Rock In America






この曲はBillboard誌で1984年1月に最高51位を記録しました。彼らの2nd Album「Midnight Madness」からのシングルカットです。


チャートアクションはイマイチだったけど、王道Hard Rockっす。この前ご紹介したSammy Hagerの曲と同様にかっこいいんすよ、これが。出だしのギターがもう・・・、最高ラブ


当時のHard Rockってギタリストがこぞってテクニックを競ってたんすよね、Eddie Van Halenのライトハンドとかにやり。で、Night RangerのJeff Watsonは両手でタッピングするエイト・フィンガー奏法で名を馳せてました(高一男子の間ではタコ足奏法とか言われてました。手なのにうーん)。8本の指であんなことできません。








Hi, everyone,


Yangon Restaurant now. This time is Tin Tin. It is the mexican restaurant which is located near by my office. It is small but has very good mood. Their tacos is very good.


Well, let’s move to the song for today. This is  American Hard Rock.


“ Night Ranger / (You Can Still) Rock In America “


This song got No.51 on Billboard Magazine in January of 1984. Their 2nd Album “Mightnight Madness” included this song.


It was not so big hit. However this was the Amrican hard rock song. It was very cool rock song as Sammy Hager’s “I Can’t drive 55”. Guitar riff at the beginning part is so so cool.


At that time, guitarists of Hard Rock band made an appeal how they were great. They appealed their guitar technic. For example, Eddie Van Halen’s Tapping. Also Jeff Watson of the guitarist of this band. He played a guitar as Octopus. It was called Eight Fingers. He played tapping with 8 fingers.


However this band is not so wild and cool…. I understand the reason why.  Kelly (Dr.) and Alan (Key.) was not cool. Please check this video.


The American Hard Rock, try this.




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