





INXS / The One Thing




中三男子の第一印象、「なんて読むんだ?? イ、インクス??」えーん  いいえ、インエクセスです。


この曲はBillboard誌で1983年5月に最高30位を記録してました。彼らの3rd Album「Shabooh Shoobah」からのスマッシュヒットです。オーストラリアからのバンドで、あたくしにとってのオーストラリア出身といえばAC/DCかINXSか、というぐらい大好きラブ




まだ爆発的に売れる前なのでPVも野暮ったいっすねぇ。中坊ながら「金が掛かってねー(笑)」と当時思ってましたウシシ。けどミュートマでガンガンかかってたのをよく覚えてます。よーくよく見るとイケメン揃いかと。個人的にはVo.のMichael Hutchenceのカリスマ性がすごく、Mick JaggerBonoとかと同じような匂いがしたんですがねぇ。自ら命を絶ったのは本当に惜しいぐすん






Hi, everyone,


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Well, let’s move to today’s song. Super cool band from Australia.


“ INXS / The One Thing “


This song got No.30 on Billboard Magazine in May of 1983. It was smash hit from their 3rd Album “Shabooh Shoobah”. For me, best Aussie bands are AC/DC, and INXS.


They were very sophisticated band when they released “Kick” and “X”, however at this moment they had not been sophisticated yet. Sound was rough, not matured yet. Guitar and Keyboard sounds were very rough but it made this song be special.


Video was not so cool because it was before becoming big star, so this video was very cheap.  But I watched this over and over on TV.  Just my opinion, the vocalist, Michael Hutchence had charisma like a Mick Jaggar or Bono. So it was suffer a real loss when he killed his self.


On the way to be sophisticated, try this song.




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