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The Kinks / Come Dancing




この曲はBillboard誌で1983年7月に2週間、最高6位を記録しました。彼らの・・・、何枚目か数えられないくらい(19枚目?)のAlbum「State Of Confusion」からのシングル。1965年以来のUS Top10ヒットです。


1964年結成の大ベテラン。Van Halenで有名な「You Really Got Me」を世に送り出しましたね。だけどそれに似合わず(?)、この曲はついつい体が動いちゃうような、とても軽快なポップ・ロックニコ。 踊りたくなっちゃう曲調は、なんだかMadnessに通じるものがあると感じちゃうのはあたくしだけかな? 出だしのキーボードのメロディがとても印象的っす。


PVではVoのRay Davisのおとぼけお調子者っぷりが出てて、なかなかいい感じです。


ちなみにRayはThe PretendersのChrissie Hyndeの元旦那様にやり。別れちゃいましたけどね。






Hi, everyone,


We can watch Skynet TV which is the satellite broadcasting station. Most of all person who come from other country watches join this station. There are many channels. Now I watch Australian Open Tennis on Fox Sports everyday. Go Kei!!!!


Well, let’s move to today’s song. The band formed early 60’s.


“ The Kinks / Come Dancing “


This song got 2 weeks No.6 on Billboard Magazine in July of 1983. I can not count their albums, it may be 19th album “State Of Confusion”  includes this song. It was their 1st Top 10 hit since 1965.


This band established  in 1964. As you know, “You really got me” which is famous with Van Halen was originally their song. However, Come Doncing was pop rock song and it made us dance. It was similar to Madness song character. Keyboard sound at the beginning was very impressive.

Ray Davis, who was the singer, was like a clown, and it made this video be funny.


Ray was ex. husband of Chrissie Hyde of Pretenders .


Let’s dance, try this song.






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