





Daryl Hall & John Oates / Family Man






う~ん、彼らのヒット曲「I Can’t Go For That」や「Maneater」とはちょっと趣の違う曲のように思います。ただですねぇ、出だしの伸びきったDarylの歌いっぷり、全体通して「ピピポポ・ピピポポ」って鳴り続けてるシンセ。中坊はこういう単純なところが病みつきになるんですよ、これがにやり。H2Oの中でも好きな曲っす。「Maneater」よりも好きラブ




Hall & Oatesって本当にいいなぁ・・・。もう大好きラブ。まぁ、聴いてみてくださいな。




Hi, everyone,


There is a famous whisky called “Yamasaki” in Japan. When I came back to Japan in January, my wife gave me it (thank you!) . Currently it is difficult to get it in Japan, however I found it in Yangon convenience store. It costs 100,000 kyats ($100).  It is twice!!!


Well, today’s song is this. It was very interesting song for them.


“ Daryl Hall & John Oates / Family Man “


This song got 1 week No.6 on Billboard Magazine in June of 1983. It was cut from their big hit album “H2O”.


Uummm, this song was different from their hit songs, ex. “Maneater” and “I Can’t Go For That”. However, lazy singing at the beginning of this song and synthesizer sound like “PiPi PoPo” made me become an addict. It was killer sound for 15 years old boy. I love this song better than No.1 hit song, “Maneater”.


The band played in pink wall house. And then, Kids who stared hard. It was so cute.


I really really love Hall & Oates, try this song.




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にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ
80's Pops Blog Ranking