





Peter Gabriel / Shock The Moneky




この曲はBillboard誌で1983年1月に最高29位を記録してました。Genesisのボーカルでしたが、脱退後に発表した彼の4th Album「Peter Gabriel」からのシングルカット。彼の1st~4thって全てタイトルが「Peter Gabriel」となってて、よく「Peter Gabriel IV」とか「Peter Gabriel (Security)」とか言われてました。もうっ、紛らわしいっ(JAROにチクりますよイラッ)。てかこの曲、29位って意外と売れてたんだなぁ・・・真顔


この曲、チャートアクションは全く知りませぬ。当時ヒットしてた曲とは明らかに違ってて、異色感たっぷりだったので中三男子には好んで聴くという感情は湧かなかったっすねショック。後の彼のヒット曲、SledgehammerBig TimeSteamとはちょっと違う、マニアックな曲ってイメージにやり


ただタイトルとPV、それとサビで、もう脳裏から離れませぬ・・・。PVは全体的に暗いし、サルが「キーッ!」と牙剥くし、白塗りのPeterは怖いし・・・。そもそもショックザモンキーって何さ?、みたいな。それ故、忘れられない曲になってます(Herbie HancockのRock Itと同じ現象アセアセ)。






Hi, everyone,


The toilet in Yangon again. Recently, a toilet with shower is getting increase. But here is Myanmar. It is little different from Japanese one, it’s a shower hose. It is placed at wall and it has a lever to shower. It is very comfortable.


Well, let’s move to today’s song. It had dark and maniac images…


“ Peter Gabriel / Shock The Moneky “


This song got No.29 on Billboard Magazine in January of 1983. He was the vocalist of Genesis. This song was cut from his 4th solo album “Peter Gabriel”. His 1st ~ 4th album’s titles are same, “Peter Gabriel”. So this album was sometimes called like “Peter Gabriel IV” or “Peter Gabriel (Security)”. I didn’t know this song was hit song and got No.29….


I did not know the chart action for this song at all. This song was different from other hit songs at that time, therefore I was not so close to this song. It is easy to imagine “Sledgehammer”, “Big Time” and “Steam” from his name, however “Shock The Monkey” was little different from these songs.


But, I can not remove the memory of this song because its title, video and its chorus. Video has very dark image, screaming monkey and Peter’s face with white painting. It was very scary for me…. 


You can not remove the chorus from your brain, try this.




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