





Golden Earring / Twilight Zone






このバンド、この曲しか知りませぬにやり。調べてみると結成は1961年、なんとStonesよりも前じゃんガーン! しかも現役! う~む、あなどれませぬ。この曲はアメリカのTV番組「The Twilight Zone」に捧げられたもののようっすねにやり


Mission Impossibleっぽいメロディーで始まって、ちょっと緊迫感のある曲。PVもサスペンスものっぽく仕上がってます。しかし正直なところ、曲がかっこよかったなと覚えてるぐらいでPVはあまり印象ないなぁ・・・ショック


VocalがちょっとだけThe BandのRobbie Robertsonに似てると思うのはあたくしだけ?






Hi, everyone,


Sometimes, I can find a people who rides electric bicycle in Yangon. It may be used-bicycle which is come from Japan. However here is Yangon. There is no incline at all. Completely flat. Is that necessary??


Well, let’s move to today’s song. The band from Holland.


“ Golden Earring / Twilight Zone “


This song got 2 weeks No.10 on Billboard Magazine during March to April of 1983. The cut from their album “Cut”.


Actually, I don’t know them well. According to my investigation, this band formed in 1961. It is earlier than The Rolling Stones!!  This song was dedicated to “The Twilight Zone” which is American TV program.


Start with the sound like a Mission Impossible theme and it made this song has a sense of urgency.


I think this singer looks like Robbie Robertson…


Cool song, try it.




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