





Herbie Hancock / Rock It



この曲はBillboard誌で1983年10月に最高71位を記録しました。彼のAlbum 「Future Shock」からのシングルカット。


曲自体はSynthesizerがっつりで、スクラッチなど入れていてHipな曲。ボコーダー使って少しだけボーカルが入るけど、基本インストです。まぁ、曲聞いてるだけであればこんなもん。今思えばBeverly Hills Copの Harold Faltermeyerや、Miami ViceのJan Hammerがインストヒットを飛ばす先駆けだったのかもニコ


が、しかし! PVが衝撃的すぎました。中三男子にとっては気持ち悪いの一言。「うわっ!?、気持ちわっるっ!」というのが正直な感想。チャートアクションは全然でしたが、当時Music Tomatoで、嫌がらせのようにヘビロテだったので、もうこびり付いてます、頭にしっかりと・・・ショック


ご存知の通り、Jazz界のBig Nameです。Jazzを聞くようになって、なおさら当時の衝撃度が増すばかり・・・えーん。やはりあたくしは「Maiden Voyage」の方が好きラブ







Hi, everyone,


The reason why woman can not touch the golden rock is the legend. Long ago, a lady who imitated a man tried to touch the golden rock. Buddha got angry and gave the lightning to her. It’s a reason on faith but scary. (to be continued…)


Well, let’s move to today’s song.  Oh boy, its video was the shock….


“ Herbie Hancock / Rock It “


This song got No.71 on Billboard Magazine in October of 1983. It was single cut from his album “Future Shock”.


Regarding a song, it was hip with cool synthesizer sound and record scratch sound. Also we can hear voice modified with Vocoder but this is an instruments song. I think this song was a precedent of instruments song like a Harold Faltermeyer’s Axcel F and Jan Hammer’s Miami Vice Theme.


But let me say about video! This video was very shocking for 15 years old boy! Honestly, it was just scary and disgusting at that time for me…. Chart action of this song was not so good, but video played with heavy rotation in Japanese TV…. I can not forget it….


As you know, he is one of the big name of Jazz Giants. Now I’m getting old and become to listen to Jazz music. The contrast between “Rock It” and “Maiden Voyage” give me another impact….


With this video, try it.



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