



さて、今日はこの曲。Duran Duranの弟分とか言われてました。


Kajagoogoo / Too Shy



邦題は「君はTOO SHY」。ジャニーズっぽい題名。Billboard誌で1983年7月に1週だけ最高5位を記録しました。彼らの1st Album「White Feathers」からのシングルカットです。


ちょっとミステリアスな雰囲気のSynthesizer Soundから始まるミドルテンポな曲。Limahlの声が実はすばらしいのです。コーラスが分かりやすかったので、中三男子はよく「トゥ、シャイシャ~イ、ハッシュハッシュ、アイドゥワーイ」と耳コピしとりました(意外とイケてる中三耳コピ英語にやり)。









Hi, everyone,


There are a lot of noodle made from rice in Myanmar. Shan noodle is good however other noodles are also good. Starndard of Myanmar breakfast is Mohinga. Its soup is made from catfish.


Well, today’s song is this. They were called Duran Duran’s little brother.


“ Kajagoogoo / Too Shy “


This song got 1 week No.5 on Billboard Magazine in July of 1983. It was cut from their 1st album, White Feathers.


It was middle tempo pop song which started with mysterious synthesizer sound. Singer, Limahl’s voice was good. It was mellow. And their chorus was easy to sing for 15 years old boy.


Video was not so special but their hair style was very special. It looked like a pineapple… How did they set it???


Hush hush!, try it!




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