

ミャンマーは乾季を迎え観光シーズン途中。欧米からのご老人ツアー客やバックパッカーなどが大挙きております。それゆえか、欧米向けのレストランやバーが増えています。Tony Romaでリブステーキとか食えるんすよね。


さて、今日はこれ。名前がMen At Workと紛らわしかったです・・・。


Men Without Hats / Safety Dance



この曲は1983年9月から10月にかけて4週間、最高3位を記録してました。カナダ出身のバンドで、彼らの1st Album「Rhythm Of Youth」からのシングルカット。




PVは背が高くてガリガリで、民族衣装(?)を着たVoのIvan Doroschukが田舎の村を歩きながら歌ってます。彼、意外とイケメンかも。InxsのMichael Hutchenceをちょっと雑にした感じ(失礼)。村のお祭りで子供達がポールの周りを回りながら紐を編むシーンはよく覚えてますニコ







Hi, everyone,


Now it is dry season in Myanmar. So many tourists are coming to Myanmar. We can see old persons and backpackers from US/EU in town. Therefore new restaurant and bar for westerner is increasing. You can have a dinner at Tony Roma.


Well, today’s song is this. It made me confuse because of similar to Men At Work.


“ Men Without Hats / Safety Dance “


This song got 4 weeks No.3 on Billboard Magazine during September to October of 1983. They came from Canada and this song was cut from their 1st album, “Rhythm Of Youth”.


One-hit wonder. It started with typical synthesizer sound and sing gruffness, sometimes it was like hiccups. Synthesizer sound was showed up more than a singer voices.


Tall, thin and wearing a tribe dressed singer, Ivan Doroschuk walked in a village. I think he may be good looking guy, looks like rough Michael Hutchence of Inxs :-)

I remember the scene of the kids pole dance.


Gruffness and hiccups, try it.




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