





Duran Duran / Is There Something I Should Know




邦題は「プリーズ・テル・ミー・ナウ」。サビから直接とってますな。この曲はBillboard誌で1983年8月に最高4位を1週記録しています。前作の「Rio」をUSでヒットさせ、次作の大ヒットAlbum「Seven And The Ragged Tiger」を出すまでの間にリリースされたSingle曲です。彼らの勢いが加速真っ最中のとこです。


今聴くとそうでもないんだけど、当時この曲を聴いた時の印象が「ビートルズそっくりじゃんガーン」と思ってました。曲の出だしの「Please, Please Tell Me Now」の部分だけ取ってそう思ってたんでしょう。今その部分を聴いてもそう思わないのは年食ったせいですかね(笑)。












Hi, everyone,


As I told, it is necessary to put off shoes when go into a temple. Therefore everybody use sandals. Everywhere you go, even if it’s rain, they use sandals. Of course they go their office with sandals…


Well, today’s song is this. It’s a step to next big hit album.


“ Duran Duran / Is There Something I Should Know “


This song got 1 week No.4 on Billboard Magazine in August of 1983. Their got smash hit with previous album “Rio”, then this song was released as a single song before next tg hit album “Seven And The Ragged Tiger”. They were getting to be big star at that time.


I don’t think so, however I thought it was very similar to Beatles song at that time. Chorus part made me though like that. Now I’m getting old, so I don’t think so….

This chorus was easy to sing for 15 years old kid, of course I sang this part.


They dressed up with blue shirt and white tie in the video but I don’t know why they put their tie in shirt…. Also previous videos were inserted in.


They appeared Japanese whisky CM on TV. However I don't know why they were bubble head....


It might be similar to fab four songs, try this.



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