





Adam Ant / Goody Two Shoes







リズムがよく、とにかく耳に残ります。日本でも数年前にCMで使われていましたね。CM見た時、「おぉっ! ナイス選曲!」と思ったもんす。






音楽(洋楽) ブログランキングへ

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ


Hi, everyone,


I talked about a cricket yesterday, also let me tell you about that again. It is Fall in Japan now, so we can hear the voice of crickets. Also you can hear in Myanmar. But it’s Myanmar, I can hear it in my room… I don’t know where she is, however it’s true I can hear in my room… although my room is 18th floor…


Well, today’s song is this. Looks like a pirates.


“ Adam Ant / Goody Two Shoes “


This song was got No.12 on Billboard Magazine in February 1983. This song had ethnic drum sound and rhythm and good horn section, and very danceable rock song. I think it was very advanced idea to use ethnic sound for rock music.


He was also one of New Romantic Movement artist. Of course he got makeup on, and wore a pirate and american indian wear.


Good rhythm and good vibe, you may not be able to forget this feeling. I think,,, this song was used for TV commercial, wasn’t it?


Feel ethnic drumming, try this song.



Pops Blog Ranking

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ
80's Pops Blog Ranking