





Duran Duran / Hungry Like The Wolf




この曲はBillboard誌で1983年3月から4月にかけて最高3位を3週間ゲットしました。彼ら初のBillboard Top10ヒットです。シンセたっぷりの軽快なRockです。






しかし美男子軍団ですねぇ。現在のビジュアル系バンドの走りになるのかな。当時、毎月欠かさず買っていた雑誌、MUSIC LIFEに最も多く出ていたアーティストの一つと思います。ベースのJohn Taylorが一番人気でしたね。





音楽(洋楽) ブログランキングへ

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ


Hi, everyone,


There are some restaurant where we can have flesh sea foods in Yangon. One of these restaurant serves a mantis shrimp. However it’s not small, it’s huge… Almost it’s 8 inches long!

Looks is not so good, but taste is so good :-)


Well, today’s song is this. Most famous New Romantic rock band from UK.


“ Duran Duran / Hungry Like The Wolf “


This song got 3 weeks No.3 on Billboard Magazine and it was their first top 10 hit on that magazine.


This song was included in the album “Rio” which was release in 1982, and it got big hit in UK in same year. Also this song got that position in 1983 in US, it was the beginning of breaking through as a big star in the world.


This video was shoot at Sri Lanka, and it had a South-east Asia flavor. I think it was very rare because I had not seen such kind of music video at that time. Story was Duran Duran Expedition :-)


So, they were very beautiful guys. They are super star in Japan also, and we could see them in a lot of magazines. John Taylor, bassist, was top favorite in the band in Japan.


Beauty guys’ rock, try this song,




Pops Blog Ranking

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ
80's Pops Blog Ranking