

以前にもお話ししましたが、Myanmarは1948年までイギリスに統治されていました。それゆえ面影いっぱい。ビルの階数の数え方もその1つです。日本式では1階/2階/3階。ミャン式(英式)ではGrand Floor/1st Floor/2nd Floorと数えます。まぁ、これで統一されてるならまだ良いのですが、時々日本流があります。まぎらわしいっす(-_-)




The Police / Every Breath YouTake











Stingが目立つバンドですが、G.のAndy Summers、Dr.のStewart Copelandも凄いです。この二人がPoliceの曲をビシッと締めていると思います。とくにStewartのリズムはこのバンドの要なんだと思います。





音楽(洋楽) ブログランキングへ

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ


Hi, everyone,


I told you before, Myanmar was governed by British until 1948. So some British ways still remain. To count a floor of building is one of them. In Japan, 1st floor / 2nd floor / 3rd floor. In Myanmar, Ground floor / 1st floor / 2nd floor. 1st floor is Ground floor. It is OK if British way is common in Myanmar, but sometime there is another way like Japanese. It makes me confuse… :-(


Well, let me show you 1983 songs from today. The first song is the masterpiece of my life. Best song in 1983.


“ The Police / Every Breath You Take “


No words is needed to explain. Beautiful song.


This song got 8 weeks No.1 in Billboard Magazine during July to August 1983.  Little lonely, melancholy mood, and Sting’s husky voice add more lonely but bright atmosphere to this song.


PV was made with monochrome film. It was cool. It seems to a movie because white light and black shadow were used very effectively. Sting who had long hair and played double bass, was also so cool.


The jacket of “Synchronicity” which includes this song was very impressive. Blue, Yellow and Red painted over monochrome photo. A lot of hit songs and impressive video came from this album. I will introduce them later.


Sting is main person in this band, however Andy Summers, guitarist, and Stewart Copeland, drummer, were tighten up all of their songs. They made their song so sharp.

Especially, I think Stewart rhythm is most important for this band.


Really, really beautiful song, try this.



Pops Blog Ranking

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ
80's Pops Blog Ranking