



さて今日はこの曲でいってみましょう。 オーストラリアの方々。


Men At Work / Who Can It Be Now?



この曲はBillboard誌で1982年10月に1週だけNo.1になりました。SAXで始まる出だし、邦題「ノックは夜中に」なのでドラムのノック音が特徴的な曲です。サビの部分が覚えやすく、またVo.のColin Hayのキャラクターもあって、とても人気がありました。


ただ当時中坊だった私のPV感想はなんとなく暗~いイメージありました。曲は明るいんだけど、夜にノックするPVなので、なんとなくホラーちっくな・・・。勝手な思い込みですが(笑) Colin Hayのギョロ目もとっても印象深かった・・・。

あとAlbum Jacketが黄色一色で、「なんか安っぽいジャケットだなぁ・・・」とよく思ってました(笑)


彼らはオーストラリア出身で、当時チャートインしていたArtistの中では珍しかったんじゃないかな。彼らの曲調やVo.のColin Hayの声がPoliceStingに似てたので、当時は南半球のPoliceなんて言われてました。





音楽(洋楽) ブログランキングへ

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ


Hi, every one,


There are a lot of grab-joints at the street. You can eat noodle, some kind of organs, rice and so on.

However foodstuffs are always at outside, so I’m afraid to eat them…


Well, today’s song is this. Working men from Australia.


“ Men At Work / Who Can It Be Now “


This song got 1 week No.1 on Billboard magazine at October 1982. To start with sax sound and a knocking sound by drums are featured. They are very poplar at that time because melody of this song is easy to remember and Colin Hay who was the vocalist was very funny guy.


But, I was 14 years old at that time. I felt this video was dismal because this video showed somebody knocked the door at late night. So it seemed like a horror…. Colin Hay’s eyes were also striking.


They came from Austrlia. I think Aussie band was very rare case in Billboard chart at that time. There songs structure were like The Police, and voice of Colin Hay were very similar to Sting, so they were sometimes called “The Police comes from Down Under”


Don’t know the door at midnight, let’s try this song.



Pops Blog Ranking

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ
80's Pops Blog Ranking