





The Steve Miller Band / Abracadabra



Billboard誌で1982年9月に 1週だけ 中2週をあけて2度No.1をゲットしました(失礼しました!修正しました!)。ギターのリフが印象的ですぐに耳が覚えちゃう曲です。




Steve Miller Bandはこの曲から入ったので、みんなこんな感じのポップでキャッチーなロックなのかと思ってたんだけど、この曲は彼らにとってかなり異色です。


彼らはBluesをベースにしたRockを得意とするBlues Rock Bandで、大物実力派バンドなのです。彼らの他の作品は大人のBlues Rockが多いです。なので次のAbracadabraを期待して次のAlbumをYou&Iで借りたのですが、中坊の私には響かず、「暗っ(-_-)」とがっかりしたことを覚えています(笑)







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にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ


Hi, every one,


I like coffee. Myanmar location is in the coffee belt area, so we can find Myanmar Coffee Beans in a supermarket. It’s taste good.


Today’s song is this. Veteran’s song.


“ The Steve Miller Band / Abracadabra “


This song got one week No.1 on Billboard magazine in September 1982. You can remember this song easily because of very impressive guitar riff.


Very characteristic melody and its title “Abracadabra” which is the magic words everybody know, I listened to this song over and over. Music video was also strange, so I could not forget this song and video.


I started Steve Miller Band with this song, so I thought they play always Pop Rock, but it was not.

This song is very special song for them.


Actually they are real blues rock band. Their songs are almost the rock based on the blues. I could know their blues rock is very cool after I grew up.



May be you can not forget his guitar riff, try this song.




Pops Blog Ranking

にほんブログ村 音楽ブログ 1980年代洋楽へ
80's Pops Blog Ranking