GremlinS and Black Gene For The Next Scene | Valgard Gilbert varulfのブログ

Valgard Gilbert varulfのブログ


Yes, I promised I ad a photo and smoe words about HITT's concert in Poland.. I will do this!...but first I must say something about other Visual kei musicals.

I have in mind two new band who started with great/amazing/awesome singles and I'm in love with them.

I say about:



Black Gene For The Next Scene.

Gremlins realised one single with "極楽蝶" and "餓死" and I don't know which song is better!!
Their music is strong and heavy, Kashiwa-sama's voice is like...some...demon? OMG it's not easy describe it in english for me XD''
I just...LOVE THEIR MUSIC, and I hope they realize much more and don't disband fast. It's really nice that they create that "Mega Visual Heavy Rock" band when rest of new VK is more like..... Poprock?.

Black Gene For The Next Scene realized one single "DOOM" with 3 or 4 songs (two types of single) and one digital single (song which you buy on some webpage and download legally). This band is such diffrent than GremlinS... more energize, electronic, pop ..(it's V-Rock?).. you can said they are like 90% other VK band now but it isn't 100% true. I found something special in their music and can't stop listen it. I want dance with them, sing with Ice-sama.