Do it right, and the rewards can be great.•A written guarantee not to share your personal information. There are too many quality submission services to list in this article but we have a good list you can review on our website at . They will break it down for you with information like as follows:•Which engines they specifically submit to. There are a lot of services out there with offers like “Submit your site to 500,000 search engines and directories for only $39.Submitting your website to the main search engines should be handled with care.Let’s face it, everyone wants the coveted top position in their respective ea888 timing chain kit category on all the major search engines.If you want a proper submission for your website, you are going to have to pay for it. Submitting your site manually is not recommended.•They will disclose all of they’re contact information so that you may contact them by phone or other means.95”, the real problem with this is there are not even remotely close 500,000 qualified search engines out there, so that means that 99% of your submissions are going to what is know as FFA (Free-for-All) directories.•They will provide you with a detailed report via email on your submission results, including who your site was submitted to and the disposition of your submission.Using a qualified submission service is the most obvious choice here. These types of submission services are a dime a dozen on the internet and you should steer clear of any such ridiculous offers or claims. The only problem with this method is that you get listed on only a few engines and, you sacrifice your email address to spam gods and become a part of the millions of poor souls who can never get any rest from the nasty spam vermin that will prey on you for the rest of your natural born life.The reputable companies will give you a clear and concise description of their services.Submitting your site manually is a long a tedious operation, often requiring more time than you had planned on spending just to submit to 30 or less search engines. Getting there requires a lot of tweaking of your meta tags, reciprocal linking to sites with high page ranks, and of course submitting your site to the search engines, either manually or utilizing a service to do it for you. In addition, it becomes very hard to track how often you have submitted your site to the search engines in the first place.•Make no outrageous claims to submission to hundreds of thousands of engines.95. These are NOT where you want to be, besides the fact that you are now in the dreaded worldwide spammers database, your site is listed on directories that get little or no respectable traffic and you have been taken for $39.Using a free service to submit your site is the next option you have for getting your site to the internet.Webmaster Beware- Submitting your website to the major search engines too often can get your website banned completely from those all important major search engines, like Google, MSN, Yahoo and Alta Vista.